Pinky TA
Part 7 page 42

Author notes

Part 7 page 42


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Looks like Ace's mech is dead on its feet. Pinky charges towards him in her tiger Tromper, down the slope and up towards him to get in close enough for her weapons to get a sure strike. Meanwhile Ace recovers- since all that really happened was that shrapnel from the exploding rocket and rocks and sand smashed the cockpit glass and filled the Tromper with smoke, mess, and noise, momentarily stunning Ace, but he was protected from any real injury by internal shielding. He recovers hi sense in time to see her charging. He then turns his Tromper and fires off a volley of rockets so he can escape. Pinky's mech is hit and her charge is abruptly halted.
Long wait for this one. It didn't really take a long time to colour or draw though… not comparatively anyway, it was just that preparations for going to San Diego Comic Con 2011 and my 4 week US holiday got in the way… then there was recovery time afterwards.
Anyway, I talk a bit about my time at Comic Con on this week's Quackcast:
At Comic Con my friend Bianka was kind enough to cosplay Pinky TA to try and help promote Pinky TA the webcomic! She looked pretty good -Pinky brought to life- you can see a gallery of pics of her and comic con people here:


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