Pinky TA
Part 7 page 44

Author notes

Part 7 page 44


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Not stopping to see what damage he may have caused, Ace runs scared from the vengeful Pinky, leaving the sounds of her exploding rockets far behind as he dives into the safety of the concealing canyons and gullies… He then sets himself in a a secure side passage with a view of the canyon so he can see what's broken and ambush Pinky if she comes after him.
Wow, I was faster on a slower comp… weird. Here I am back in my comfort zone and all I do is snooze… metaphorically. What to say? Ace's hands are of course based on mine… this is another page without panel borders… I know, the colour theme here was a real pain, I just couldn't work out what colours would work- both for the inside of the tromper and the desert. I'm happy with how it ended up though, but it took some experimentation.
Listen to The Drunk Duck Radio Play!!!!!
This was the extra special radio play that many of us got together and made for DD! Many, many people participated and it was ALL put together and managed by Ayesinback, who did an amazing job organising, editing, orchestrating and coordinating everything!


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