Pirate vs Ninja
Author notes
2: the best part of waking up
Midii on…is most definitely a boot to the face.
Oh god I need to work on my action screens.
*distracts* LOOK! The pirate's sitting on the other one! >_>
*works on action scenes while masses are distracted*
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Login or RegisterDracky at
This is awesome!
Midii at
XD! Yeah, no sprite comics from Midii. I've still got a lot to decide on the story myself, but I've at least got the first part all thought up. I just hope I don't run into a brick wall with the ideas. :/ That'd be a bad thing.
VegaX at
Y'know, when i saw the title "Pirate vs Ninja" i kinda expected a craptastic sprite comic or something, so i was pleasantly surprised when i found this great looking piece.
Too early to comment much on the story, but the artwork and coloring are great indeed. Looking forward seeing what comes next.
Miruku at
I'm so glad I found this. Gorgeous art and coloring. Love it!
Emotional at
yes I'm very distracted :D
Lacus Clyne at
Hi i like your style of colouring 5 4 u!