- Let Us Never Relive That Tragedy
- Those Darn Mettall Deetecktores
- This Is What Happens When You Don't Know Everything
- Yet Another Excuse
- Of Course, It's A Good Idea To Know Whom You're Mugging
- The Art Of Being Subtle
- People Rarely Help When Needed
- If You Don't Mug People, You Just Aren't Cool
- Remember Kids, Cute Equals Evil
- The Upsides Of Being Boneless
- It's An Endless Pastime
- Negotiation Often Requires Money
- Lover, Not A Fighter
- Those Poor G.I. Joes
- I'm Certain the Flames Mean Nothing
- Oh, Mattel, If Only You Had Stuck To Making Barbies...
- Plooshies - A Christmas Carol, Page Four
- Plooshies - A Christmas Carol, Page Three
- Plooshies - A Christmas Carol, Page Two
- Plooshies - A Christmas Carol, Page One
- Plooshies - A Christmas Carol, Cover Page
- Passing the Time
- This Can Only Mean Bad
- Doom!
- The Heavenly Choir of Awesome Timing
- The Kind of Sense That Isn't
- Here's a Comic... For the Loneleh...!
- *Public Service Announcement*
- You Fool! You've Released Them!
- Holy--! Color!
- So Very Sexy
- Answer Door, Answer -- EEP!
- Ecstatic Heart Attack
- Plot? Whassat?
- Another Birthday, Wtf?
- Omg, Happy Birthday!
- Eek! A Monologue! ...Type...thing.
- Mustard Without the Powder (Doesn't work as well)
- Oh, the Therapy
- Try the Kitchen
- Eat Marble, Sucka!
- Tiny Tiny Writing
- Wannabe Action Scene
- She's On To Us
- Meeps!
- I Sewed Em
- The World is Ours
- Very Specific Irony
- Let Us Never Relive That Tragedy
- Those Darn Mettall Deetecktores
- This Is What Happens When You Don't Know Everything
- Yet Another Excuse
- Of Course, It's A Good Idea To Know Whom You're Mugging
- The Art Of Being Subtle
- People Rarely Help When Needed
- If You Don't Mug People, You Just Aren't Cool
- Remember Kids, Cute Equals Evil
- The Upsides Of Being Boneless
- It's An Endless Pastime
- Negotiation Often Requires Money
- Lover, Not A Fighter
- Those Poor G.I. Joes
- I'm Certain the Flames Mean Nothing
- Oh, Mattel, If Only You Had Stuck To Making Barbies...
- Plooshies - A Christmas Carol, Page Four
- Plooshies - A Christmas Carol, Page Three
- Plooshies - A Christmas Carol, Page Two
- Plooshies - A Christmas Carol, Page One
- Plooshies - A Christmas Carol, Cover Page
- Passing the Time
- This Can Only Mean Bad
- Doom!
- The Heavenly Choir of Awesome Timing
- The Kind of Sense That Isn't
- Here's a Comic... For the Loneleh...!
- *Public Service Announcement*
- You Fool! You've Released Them!
- Holy--! Color!
- So Very Sexy
- Answer Door, Answer -- EEP!
- Ecstatic Heart Attack
- Plot? Whassat?
- Another Birthday, Wtf?
- Omg, Happy Birthday!
- Eek! A Monologue! ...Type...thing.
- Mustard Without the Powder (Doesn't work as well)
- Oh, the Therapy
- Try the Kitchen
- Eat Marble, Sucka!
- Tiny Tiny Writing
- Wannabe Action Scene
- She's On To Us
- Meeps!
- I Sewed Em
- The World is Ours
- Very Specific Irony
Author notes
…Do plooshies even have hearts? Don't worry, or maybe do, because Macy Plooshie is OKAY. If you're wondering why she said 'plushie? Uhm… plushie?', it was because she doesn't know Macy's name yet. I didn't do that in the lined-paper comic and, well, they were never properly introduced. The same went for many of zee characters and their knowledge of the plooshies. They simply knew. Cloth-magic? O_o I totally forgot Amy's nose stud. Oh, well. ZOMG. Amy Lee POKED me! :O
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Login or RegisterAdHocFerox at
too cool :)
Vaati at
From Evanescence?
Little J at
plushies are wicked
Cthulhu at
argh!….too cuutchhh…cant say the "c" word….its against guys regulations!but the plooshie goodness….cutshhhhhackkk!*starts thrashing around,then falls out of hospital bed*ow.(no,when i say hospital bed,i mean that i have a broken neck,and im typing this from my laptop)
animegal12 at
the poor doll.
Rich at