Pneumoniae RZT

Intro, Pagina 4

Author notes

Intro, Pagina 4



TEXT BOX: He is Dr. Walter Roca (44), my Pathophysiology teacher. This guy rocks!

ROCA: Good! Today we'll study a new disease…

ROCA: But first I want to introduce you my friend and colleague, with whom I work on the stuff we're going to discuss today… Juan Tamarindo, the Wizard of Medicine!

GUIDO: Hey, wasn't he the illusionist from "Sabado Picante"? (Nota: parody of a very famous TV show in Latin America)
MATEO: I don't know, let me listen to him…

ROCA: Last year, scientists discovered in Sudan a new form of the HIV*, which has the particularity of spreading through both sexual and respiratory pathways…
SLIDE: HIV-P Pneumonia - Dr. Walter Roca
NOTA: HIV is the virus that produces AIDS

ROCA: This is the HIV-P, very similar to the classic HIV, but this one has binding factors for the respiratory epithelium*…
SLIDE: VIH-P structure: Binding Factors, Lipid Layer, Protein Core, Viral RNA
NOTA: Basically the lungs

ROCA: For each 3 minutes in contact with a carrier, 1 out of 10000 individuals get infected… 5% don't have symptoms, and they're the main problem 'cos they spread the virus but they don't notice…

ROCA: 24 hours later the patient presents typical pneumonia symptoms, which are…?

MATEO: Costal pain, fever and cough with oxide-stained expectoration!
NOTA: Now he's on the first row!


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