Pneumoniae RZT
Author notes
Capitulo I, Pagina 9
philo on——————————————————-
ZORRILLO: Hey, watch the Camera 8! It's covered by the towel seen on Camera 10, which means…
TEXTBOX: That the exit was only visible on Camera 8!
ROCA: A trap door?
ROCA: And who made a trap door here?
TAMARINDO: Hey, Walter! I bet I can take a rabbit out of dere!
ZORRILLO: This house belonged to the MIR*, we built it thinking of a possible military raid… (Nota: "Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionario" (Revolutionary Left Movement), an actual armed political force in Chile in the early 70s)
SERGEANT: Come out, marxists! We have surrounded you!
ZORRILLO: So we had an exit way thru the sewer…
ZORRILLO: And well, sometimes we brought some girls there…
MAN: Comrade, can you watch the entrance?
YOUNG ZORRILLO: Why always me?
GIRL: Poor Silvio!
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