#5 The Professor-ness…

Author notes

#5 The Professor-ness…


Hi all! It's a Wednesday, so you know what that means :D

So… Overhaul on the script for this one, I did. Yeah…

I have this hosted at SmackJeeves(.com) also … And guess what my score is there?!? 2! THEY HATE THIS COMIC! XD! … So today I'm going to ask them if I should delete it off there … And I'm asking you guy(s){Gal(s)} too. So ……….. Should I take this off SJ … URL-nesshttp://www.pokemon-heroes.smackjeeves.com … Yeah …

I'm not having any problems at SmackJeeves anymore, I just plain don't care if people there or not, anymore. Seriously, go look, the past 10 pages should all say "None" for my rating score :D (I'm getting them back by not uploading these revamps there :P)

Now, remember, if you vote you can see a Sunday's comic, yayayyaya :D


But, seriously guys, vote. I'd rather you vote than rate, ANYDAY.


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