ORGANISATION OF SUMMERY? I've been getting the feeling the many of you dont read this or at least all of it becuase it's to scrabbled, so here you go.
MY PREVIOS "COMPLICATIONS" It turns out what I thought was a big deal was nothing at all, and my updating scedual lives on! however, Im afraid I am a horrible procrastinator and waited till the last minute and was almost late anyway. Jeez I suck.
CROSSING THE BEAMS U may have noticed in panel 10 I "crossed the beams" with Cody's and Kevin's word boubles. I try not to do it and I think I hav only ever done it once before in all of PLD history, but they wouldn't fit anywhere else so I put them like that.
WORD BUBBLE BRIDGES You may have noticed that in pannel twelve, I bridged kivins word bubbles. Why? It was really necassary but I realized I've never done it in all of PLD histery, so I said "what the heck, Let's go for it!
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