Pokemon Survival

38. Close-Cut Explosions

Author notes

38. Close-Cut Explosions


(this is an auto update, I am at my grandparents' house as you are reading this)

You didn't think I'd actually reveal anything concrete, did you? MOAR, CLIFFHANGERS! MOOOAR! Originally, panel 5 was the last panel, but, so not to piss you off, I gave you 3 more to make better theories about what happened. So….what DID happen?

Inferno Comet:
Move created by Alex specially designed for his Vulpix's speed. The user runs at high speed, similar to a quick attack, but encases themselves in flames. At this point, the user is invincible and un-moveable except to powerful Ground attacks (Earthquake), powerful Psychic attacks, or powerful Water attacks. Agility and steering is need impossible once at top speed, except for SLIGHT turning. Becoming encased in fire and energy, an explosion follows contact/impact on anything. Despite its similarity to Flare Blitz, Alex's reason for naming it differently was because enemies don't know how/can't react to an attack that they don't know, so the name "Inferno Comet" is to trick them, rather then them knowing how to dodge Flare Blitz.

See what happens, ON MONDAY.


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