

Author notes


Roar Comics

The social clicque heirarchy of Wendigo High, as told by Eddie Essex.
Editor's Note:
In panel 3, below our old friend, Berg and the others.
That guy in the shades next to Eddie's socks is a character called Wayne G. Carlin, aka Roach, who's also actually, one of my anti-heroes used in my superhero comics. I borrowed him because I couldn't think of anyone else to put in that Metahuman Thug panel. I made him way back in, like, 8th grade by mixing Wolverine and Spider-Man. (Minus the claws and webs. Roach is not superstrong, but is invulnerable and immune to radiation and projected energy. He's 5'2" ((even shorter than Wolvie)) sticks to walls, tough as nails and as crass and obnoxious a man as you're likely to find.)
In the next panel is Gretch Mueller from the webcomic, Harmless Free Radicals, done by my associate, Jonathan "Fenmere the Worm" Sodt (or, at least an analogue of her, as I did her from memory.) And another associate, Eric Iverson, from back when he had longer hair.


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