

Author notes


Roar Comics

Yes, you read that right.
Lindsay Alan Smythe (or "Lizzie" as Eddie and Ulee call him as an insult) is a gay teen supergenius, who has deemed himself as Eddie's archenemy. He seems to have a (*coughstalkercough*) love jones for another friend of Eddie and Ulysses, one Phillip White, aka Phoenix Black, a teen transvestite who goes to their school.
After all, in a school full of giants, self-replicators, shapeshifters, humanimals, living ghosts, teleporters and pyrokines, who's really gonna notice a normal, human boy in a dress?

If you're confused as to whom 'Lizzie' is in this comic, fear not. You haven't missed him.
The original scribbles are too scribbley to post even in the scraps section and I haven't finished inking and coloring the redone pages yet…. unless, by the time you read this, I HAVE.
Perceiving Temporal Physics is a class they teach at Wendigo High. good thing, too. I'm making myself dizzy.


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