
PowerTrip: Sushi Milligram

Author notes

PowerTrip: Sushi Milligram

Roar Comics

Susan Milligan was another metahuman who was born different.
She had a hard life, to say the least, but she got through it by gritting her teeth and not giving up on her dreams, despite the cruelty of most people, including her own parents.

She was one of the graduates of the original class of Wendigo High back in 1984. She has since gone on to work her way through the fashion industry and was one of the first to manufacture fashions specifically aimed at metahumans… particularly the metas who are less than "normal looking".
Shirts, blouses and jackets with extra sleeves for metas with multiple arms.
Pants, slacks and shorts with special flaps, snaps and straps to accomodate those with tails.
tops with special openings for the winged.
Unifocal glasses for the cyclopean.

Doc Juarez, as expected, wears a lot of her brand of pants.

Her bold, forward thinking fashions have made her rich and famous.
Her revolutionary pro-meta opinions an public antics have made her infamous.
Many copycat designers have mimicked her designs and ideas left and right, trying to capitalize on the meta market… and Sushi wouldn't have it any other way. That just means more resources for her metahuman bretheren. Besides, no one else comes close to her brilliance.
She is the biggest metahuman celebrity in the world, and has no intention of slowing down.


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