- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 11
- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 10
- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 9
- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 8
- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 7
- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 6
- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 5
- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 4
- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 3
- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 2
- Dark Voyage to Hell: Page 1
- part 3 cover
- And now, the curtain can open...
- Previously... agiain!
- Previously....
- The "big" crazy land
- The "big" 100th strip!
- The "big" communication
- The "big" thing where the troll finds the eye
- The "big" idiot
- The "big" loincloth accident
- The "big" failure
- The "big" Explosion!
- The "big" defiance
- The "big" captuire
- The "big" side plot continues
- The "big" side plot
- The "big" failure
- The "big" showdown
- THe "big" dilemma
- The "Big" complication
- The "Big" speech
- The "Big" squish
- Will the mercenaries win the "big" battle???
- The "big" battle begins
- THe "big" buildup...
- The "big" problem
- The "big" plan
- "Big" mistake
- A new plan
- Don't knock my poetry
- The Prophesy
- What????
- A very NSFW problem...
- NSFW!!!!
- OK this did not turn out the way I expected.
- Looks like Alix is smarter than she looks...
- Thompsonar gets horny! NSFW!
- The gayest instrument
- The troll is tracking us
- Thompsonar's back at work...
- Go Mercenaries!
- Best invention of all time
- Spirit Chief?
- Sir Chief is here!
- the big escape
- Where'd she go?
- Homineth Homnineth Homineth!
- Book 2:
- Shaddark joins the team!
- Final showdown
- The last straw...
- No thanks to you...
- Dorkizar's Fantasy
- The Holy Hand Grenade
- Dork Chug
- A big advantage
- This tavern aint big enough for the 4 of us
- I can't take much more of this...
- These guys are almost...TOO AWESOME
- Who are these guys?
- I can't believe I had gay sex...
- Wait, that's chocolate, right???
- Woopthieth!
- Whaaa?
- My Jizz
- It's not gay if you don't know
- Wenches rock!
- The Wenche Trenche
- I don't feel like doing this right now
- Fun with treasure
- Family Jewels
- Little Dorkizar
- Dorkizar's Disguise
- Slay him in the Slave Cave
- Dork to the future
- Can you say jizzycum on the intarwebs?
- One more left...
- The Evil Plan
- Abracamoobs approacheth
- Shadowlord kicks @$$
- Time for an EPIC BATTLE!
- A lot of...
- A whole army????
- Evil gay plans
- It all makes sense now...
- What's he up to???
- Hmm...What's this?
- Gayland
- Gaylum
- Terrordon the Ferocious
- Dew of the Mountains
- The Psycho Spellbook
- Get your slimy hands off her!
- Wraiths? More like Gayths.
- Trouble over yonder
- Looks like some things never change
- Follow the leader...
- The Prisoner
- Slashed by an orc
- The journey begins
Author notes
Oh man, no WAY that this guy is going to get away with doing this to Alix. That fur bikini is sexy though… (pq me for nsfw version)
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Login or Registerwillfreedo at
Skeppio at
Spread the word!
acon at
NSFW version!!onehundredandeleventhousand-
onehundreda ndeleven!!
Please post that! We need to see how crappily you draw naked people!
Zoom the Hedgehog at
When Im tied up I like to cross my hands and look like I dissed out the best burn ever… THAT ARM CROSSING IS PISSING ME OFF!
acon at
"make the bars look really old and beat up."
So, you talked about it, then decided to half ass some solid grey crooked lines instead?
ShadowGamer at
Me and chug talked about it for a long time, and we decided that it would be best to make the bars look really old and beat up.
Emmzee at
That is the worst jail cell I have ever seen. At least learn to draw in a straight line.
jauntx at
and yet they keep making the strip
Hillside_Loafer at
That evil knows no boundaries!
acon at
At least you drew some different things. I guess that's worth something. I'll give it a 1.3, but I gotta round down.
jauntx at
if these comics were a car, they'd never get off the factory line. We're not picky, we're discerning.
blindfold at
lol you guys are so picky
ysqure3 at
holy shit i gotta get in on that nsfw version
great comic shad man
jauntx at
hmn, continual background, making the cell door just sort of out in the middle of nowhere, the speech bubble in the crystal ball, oh look! A medieval briefcase! Medieval sneakers!
moscelot at
In his supreme evilness, he chained her to the wall cross armed. He is TRULY malevolent.
MediocrityMoose at
I loled
At the comment below me, not at the comic…
agentseth at
So you can see a speech bubble with that ball?