Psychobabble First Prev - I'm Afraid I Can't Say I'm Afraid I Can't Do That, Dave - And It Starts Sometime Around 11:30 - You're in the desert, you see a tortoise lying on its back, struggling, and you're not helping -- why is that? - Hannah Montana & Girl Talk Live In Concert - Oi Oi Oi - The Killers of Hunter S. Thompson - Colonial Williamsburg - Have a Good Time This Week! - Before there was Psychobabble... Writer's Block, Not Artist's Block - The Medicaid Saga Part 9: St. Eligius is a Medicaid Hospital - The Medicaid Saga Part 8: Abandon All Dignity Ye Who Enter Here - The Medicaid Saga Part 7: BLLAAARRRGHHT! (In Hypercolor!) - The Medicaid Saga Part 6: I Loves You Landlady! - The Medicaid Saga Part 5: Does That Make Me Crazy? - The Medicaid Saga Part 4: Meanwhile... - The Medicaid Saga Part 3: Test Tube Babies Say the Darndest Things - The Medicaid Saga Part 2: An Entwistle A-Side The Medicaid Saga Part 1: Vomit and Seth Rogan - I'll Punchline Someone in the Face Tonight - 50 is the New 20 - Give Yourself Over To The Absolute Pleasure of Pantslessness - Slice of Life Isn't As Funny As I Thought - The Saga Continues - Kal-El Has a Charlie Brown Moment - The Series Finale was Almost as Lame as this Comic - Political Humor + Absurdist Humor = ? - Whatcha Gonna Do When You Get Outta Jail? - Oh The Humanity, It's Worse Than The Hindenberg - Brother Can You Spare A Nickle (Theatre) - Barak means Lightning in Hebrew - Coffee & Cinema - Michael Stipe Keeps Killing My Characters - Boogernetics Is Good For Your Thetan - TV Ruminations - Postmodern Comedy in Prague - A Command or A Statement of Obviousness? - Hooray Beer! - Tech Support - I Want... - Be Seeing You In The Villiage - Deranged Conservative Duck - Click Here for the BEST COMIC EVER!!!!! - Come On, Let's Get Real - They Call it Drunk Duck for a Reason! - Tragicomedy - If You Photoshop It, It Falls Under the Parody Clause - Come On, it's Satire! - Another Line in the 4th Wall, Part 3 - "Drink Up Me Harties!" or "Yo, Ho!" - The Devil's Confectioner - Gotham Delly - Unemployment Statistics Back From the Dead.... Like Captain America! (sorta) - Sorry About This Week!!!!! - Caffeine Has Been Linked to Aggression - Did I Mention I Hate the 4th Wall? - Coming Soon to Theaters Near You - Photographic Memory - Quick, to the Ziggy Archives! - Deep Throat, Baby! - Pen In a Box, Part 2 - Pen In a Box, Part 1 - Meet Mr. Sandwich - Either Way Blood Flows... - Esteemed Colleagues - Domo Arigato, Jimmy - What the hell is the 4th wall? - Items on the Nassau County Budget - Dranks Alot - The Moments I Live For - Shameless MoCCA Artfest Plug! - Worcester '66 - Wednesday Morning - One Night In Williamsburg - That Time of Day Again - Social Handicaps are No Laughing Matter Aging Hipsters Next Last First Prev - I'm Afraid I Can't Say I'm Afraid I Can't Do That, Dave - And It Starts Sometime Around 11:30 - You're in the desert, you see a tortoise lying on its back, struggling, and you're not helping -- why is that? - Hannah Montana & Girl Talk Live In Concert - Oi Oi Oi - The Killers of Hunter S. Thompson - Colonial Williamsburg - Have a Good Time This Week! - Before there was Psychobabble... Writer's Block, Not Artist's Block - The Medicaid Saga Part 9: St. Eligius is a Medicaid Hospital - The Medicaid Saga Part 8: Abandon All Dignity Ye Who Enter Here - The Medicaid Saga Part 7: BLLAAARRRGHHT! (In Hypercolor!) - The Medicaid Saga Part 6: I Loves You Landlady! - The Medicaid Saga Part 5: Does That Make Me Crazy? - The Medicaid Saga Part 4: Meanwhile... - The Medicaid Saga Part 3: Test Tube Babies Say the Darndest Things - The Medicaid Saga Part 2: An Entwistle A-Side The Medicaid Saga Part 1: Vomit and Seth Rogan - I'll Punchline Someone in the Face Tonight - 50 is the New 20 - Give Yourself Over To The Absolute Pleasure of Pantslessness - Slice of Life Isn't As Funny As I Thought - The Saga Continues - Kal-El Has a Charlie Brown Moment - The Series Finale was Almost as Lame as this Comic - Political Humor + Absurdist Humor = ? - Whatcha Gonna Do When You Get Outta Jail? - Oh The Humanity, It's Worse Than The Hindenberg - Brother Can You Spare A Nickle (Theatre) - Barak means Lightning in Hebrew - Coffee & Cinema - Michael Stipe Keeps Killing My Characters - Boogernetics Is Good For Your Thetan - TV Ruminations - Postmodern Comedy in Prague - A Command or A Statement of Obviousness? - Hooray Beer! - Tech Support - I Want... - Be Seeing You In The Villiage - Deranged Conservative Duck - Click Here for the BEST COMIC EVER!!!!! - Come On, Let's Get Real - They Call it Drunk Duck for a Reason! - Tragicomedy - If You Photoshop It, It Falls Under the Parody Clause - Come On, it's Satire! - Another Line in the 4th Wall, Part 3 - "Drink Up Me Harties!" or "Yo, Ho!" - The Devil's Confectioner - Gotham Delly - Unemployment Statistics Back From the Dead.... Like Captain America! (sorta) - Sorry About This Week!!!!! - Caffeine Has Been Linked to Aggression - Did I Mention I Hate the 4th Wall? - Coming Soon to Theaters Near You - Photographic Memory - Quick, to the Ziggy Archives! - Deep Throat, Baby! - Pen In a Box, Part 2 - Pen In a Box, Part 1 - Meet Mr. Sandwich - Either Way Blood Flows... - Esteemed Colleagues - Domo Arigato, Jimmy - What the hell is the 4th wall? - Items on the Nassau County Budget - Dranks Alot - The Moments I Live For - Shameless MoCCA Artfest Plug! - Worcester '66 - Wednesday Morning - One Night In Williamsburg - That Time of Day Again - Social Handicaps are No Laughing Matter Aging Hipsters Next Last Author notes The Saga Continues Psychobabble on Oct. 26, 2008 For a tiny bit of context please see last Wednesday's comic. And yes I am getting all fanboy with the comic references here. Comments Please login to comment. 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