Pure Mistress

Update Schedule

Author notes

Update Schedule

Isolde Michi

This is the update schedule for Pure Mistress. Yesh. Mondays and Fridays. Sometimes I'll totally diss the schedule and either: a)go on haitus; b)post some art, that has nothing to do with the story (Why? 'cause I wanna!); or c)I update more pages because of something.
Those are what could happen that'll cause me to update away from the schedule. Either those, or I'll just be lazy and do nothing (just like in B, posting irrelavant stuff! X3)
Anyways, this is the doodle I made in Government, while we had free time to watch a movie or to talk quietly (NOBODY was quiet…except for those watching the movie; I drew and watched the movie! =3)
ANYWAYS, this is a doodle of Claire-chan, a character whom won't be introduced until… next, next Monday… which is… January 29th-ish…? Yeah, should be that… |3
Okay, anyways (for real), I'll upload the next page later, after school. Of course, it'll be at least an hour after school, 'cause my little brother gets home before me… (they have nothing but stop signs to stop for! I have red lights… =_=;)… Oh! Who cares about this thing?? Yas have probabaly stopped reading this after the first line, at least…! Hah!
Oh, wells. I just wanted to post this, to announce my update schedule. (Who cares for the schedule?? I dunno… I was asking yas… XP)


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