Anyway, I think this is an okay page. There are bits I like and don't like. I don't like how the boys look in the third panel, except for Haipa's eye and mouth. Their heads look weird to me. XP I nearly forgot Haipa had a bandage on his cheek, too. X3
How did Haipa get his nickname, you ask? If you didn't, I'll tell you anyway. His dad's from Japan. When you say "hyper" with a thick Japanese accent, it sounds more like "haipa" to ears used to English (at least I hope so.) X3 Of course, Daigo (Tora and Haipa's dad) lost his accent some time ago. >w>;;
…Not much else to say. XP Comment reply time! XD
@charuchii: Yeah, Peter's a sweetie. ^w^ Good thing he's not afraid to put Ty in his place when he needs it. I'd lose my E rating if he didn't! lol XD
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