- Return of the Prince
- Arrivle
- Foxhunt PT8
- Foxhunt PT7
- Foxhunt PT6
- Foxhunt PT5
- Foxhunt PT4
- Foxhunt PT3
- Foxhunt PT2
- Foxhunt PT1
- Can't you hear it?
- A son of a mother Pt4
- A son of a mother Pt3
- A son of a mother Pt2
- A son of a mother Pt1
- Plots and divitions pt5
- Plots and divitions pt4
- breif break
- Plots and divitions pt3
- Plots and divitions pt2
- Plots and divitions pt1
- Death of a comrade
- Tone Strikes pt8
- Tone Strikes pt7
- Tone Strikes pt6
- Tone Strikes pt5
- Tone Strikes pt4
- Tone Strikes pt3
- Tone Strikes pt2
- Tone strikes
- What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt8
- What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt7
- What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt6
- What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt5
- What ever happened to Miles Prower Pt4
- What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt3
- What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt2
- What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt1
- traveling along
- Tone
- And they're off
- woot
- 300
- the commander and the egg
- Mr WIP rip?
- Stupid complete
- Scatter
- and there off
- The fall of the hint
- Woop missed
- The new assult
- ...
- escape plan pt2
- escape plan pt1
- departure disccuison
- The meeting Pt5
- The Meeting Pt4
- the meeting Pt3
- The meeting PT2
- The meeting
- Guard talk
- Snapping back to the presant
- 30 years gone PT5
- 30 Years gone PT4
- 30 Years gone Pt3
- 30 years gone Pt2
- 30 years gone Pt 1
- Guests or prisoners?
- Who is he?
- Hurried departure
- First Clash Pt4
- first clash pt3
- First Clash PT2
- The first clash Pt1
- The stick man returns
- Fail safe
- Trapped
- the return?
- to the future pt3
- to the future pt2
- to the future pt1
- Past and Future
- Sonic & amy Pt 4
- Sonic & Amy pt3
- Sonic & Amy Pt2
- Sonic & Amy Pt1
- er... a title which involes cream & natasher
- bad news good news
- Taking ashort break
- *add title here*
- To wish upon a wand pt4
- To wish upon a wand pt3
- to wish upon a wand pt2
- Tony Blair #250
- to wish upon a wand pt1
- Spoilers
- Who she is
- er... I can't think of a title
- Marine
- The return!
- Guess who's here
- Blaze
- Iblis
- Two Blazes??????
- Silver
- at the speed of 370.39 m/s
- He won't be beaten
- A day at the beach
- Super Sonic Chase
- Who is she?
- Halucination?
- We interupt this comic for a special treat
- Launch
- The Interdimentional top hat and traveling camode
- Tea?
- Amy & Amy?
- Suprise!
- Savina's angry
- Phone call
- Swiping a necklace.
- Apears out of the blue.
- Patience
- New years greetings from the floating head of Yuri
- Pie attack
- Aftermarth pt 2
- Aftermarth pt1
- 12th day
- 11th day
- 10th day
- 9th day
- 8th day
- 7th day
- 6th day
- 5th day
- 4th day
- 3rd day
- 2nd day
- 1st day
- Welcome to wintmas
- Ice Cream
- Eggman's mess
- Trailer.
- Orb Of Desire Credits
- The End part 3
- The End part 2
- The End part 1
- annother copyright attack.
- uh............ still can't think of a title.............
- blahblahblah
- Sisters
- where'd eggman go?
- camo credits
- To bring him home
- Anger of MrWorkinprogress
- Shaun
- Interuptions
- Surprising turn
- Flashback
- Cream Lives!
- Cearful to what you say
- Super Chao
- If your too lazy/unable to get to the end...............
- prolog to 200
- The prisoner
- serects
- The Emerald chamber
- It won't work
- Reluctance
- the quick return of the red sky
- relisation
- Sceams for Basil Brush
- return to normality?
- Desires
- The last suprise attack
- wand gone
- Return?
- Another sneak attack!
- crumbling
- Island rasing
- Flee!
- the diary
- forgotten what the title was
- Safe Wand
- It's a beam!
- He was saved......... Again!
- timly save
- departure.
- departure arguement
- Extra seats
- farewell chaos
- What's going on? Sonics being sued!
- cast light....
- What can cream do?
- usless
- What can Knuckles do?
- Fire the connon!
- Return of chaos
- Well isn't that a coincidence
- Contemplation
- Leaving somthing behind.
- Shaun's argument
- inroducing
- The return
- Filler - New comic.
- Sueing Sonic.
- Filler - captured pokemon
- Raindance
- Filler - route 101
- Creams mistake
- Saved by a speeding brown thing
- Enter... Desire.
- My lord
- Time to depart - knuckles's thoughts.
- Times travellers argument
- It's.... a dot
- They can't harm us
- Metal charmy strikes!
- the final test.
- Just because your from the future, dosen't mean you know the past.
- Crems thoughts
- To stop a desire
- Filller: The British Summer
- Origin of the orb of desire pt2
- The Origin of the Orb of Desire
- Eggmans wand pt2
- Eggman's wand pt1
- That's not why we're here.
- First order of Buissness
- Bidding wars
- covinacation pt2
- Conivination pt1
- All lies!
- Quit calling me that!
- To the meeting!
- Shauns.... new clothes?
- Refusal
- a filler i'mafraid
- Savina's new clothes
- Why clothes?
- The Village pt7
- The Village pt 6
- The village pt 5
- The Village pt4
- The village pt 3
- The village pt2
- The village pt1
- there whant to what???????
- Shoot before asking
- Another explaination of origin
- Fragile?
- The village in the distants
- staring contset
- The incompetedness
- Fade and arrivel
- Filler - brain on strike
- they live.
- The second test
- questions.
- filler
- *add somthing here*
- A floating head
- Where he went no-one knows.
- Warp away.
- intermition.
- WOO! #100!
- prolog to 100
- Onwards
- Future exsistance
- Silence in the room
- chaos zap
- Hints
- Thoughts
- I-pod
- Convinced
- (add title here)
- Shaun attacks!
- A door & a hole.
- exushtion
- Polar Vampire bats
- punishment
- The daul
- Don't taunt a giant killing machine
- Artilery fire.
- Battle of Station Square.....Again
- 4 questions and an idiodit knuckles.
- Why it's cheep
- Off on an exciting adventure.
- Water control
- Bubly chaos
- The battle goes on.
- The great..... escape?
- Meanings
- The Nurcery Rhyme
- Nerury Rhymes?
- water? where did this come from?
- On the road to...... where?
- Twins and the future.
- moving on.
- foe trip
- What Cream wants........
- Latin!
- Unconcious Copyright pt2
- Unconcious copyright pt1
- Message..... from where?
- Return of Sonic.
- Destiny 4/4
- destiny 3/4
- Destiny part 2/4
Desiny part 1/4
- Who's that?
- Another joins the ranks......
- Enter Shadow
- A moment of scilence. Tornado 3 origin.
- Confrontaion - part 2!
- Confrontation - Part 1!
- Filler again.
- Seigh of city hall.
- Filler
- Retreat?
- Mike's last report
- Cream & Amy - Badnik attack
- Tails - Battle in Air
- Knuckles&Savina - Death, destrution, & a random Godziller appearance
- We're on the road to death & destrutin
- Time wasting? Not at all.
- Copyright strikes back!
Aye, it be a poor news report.
- TV! It's an emergancy!
- He's a slow mo!
- #37 Gathering
- #36 Savina's mistake
- #35 Tails the Human
- #34 Faimily Union
- #33 Saved by the messenger
- #32 Hero No More!
- #31 Hey its a giant talking Egg!
- #30 Is it a sign?
- It all has to come to an end.....
- Wintmas Day
- Happyness for all!
- 12th day
- 11th day
- 10th day
- 9th day
- 8th day
- The Seventh Day Of Wintmas By VinceLikesRooster
- 6th day
- 5th day
- 4th day
- 3rd day
- 2nd day
- 1st day
Winmas Break
- Another filler
- #29 Natasher part 3
- #28 Natasher part 2
- #27 Natasher Part 1
- #26 Savina & Knuckles
- #25 Change Over Filler
- #24 Explainations Curse
- #23 Mocking Fate.
- #22 Blockade Runners
- #21 And it Begins
- #20 Forboding
- #19 Her Age
- #18 The Fate Of The World
- #17 History Lesson
- #16 Enter Eggman Part2
- #15 Enter Eggman Part1
- # 14 Cream
- # 13 The Great Hero
Title page "Orb Of Desire"
- #12
- #11 End of an Evil
- # 10 The Jurney
- #9 Answers
- #8 Loose ends
- #7 Copyright
- #6 Solutions
- #5 Who is she?
- #4 Wait it gets worse
- #3 Mystery Deepens
- #2 Talks
#1 First try
Author notes
This comic makes referance to Christmas 1914, where people on both sides celebrated christmas together, an event in war which has not repeated since (unless i'm mistaken). Remember just because you and your family are together, other familys may not be. When you enjoy wintmas day, think of them. All of you. It doesn't matter if you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Sik, Asia, Eurapeon, American, Russian, Candanadian, Mexican, Dutch, French, Spanish, British, Irish, Wealsh, Scotish or English, have a Merry Wintmas! This is Saria Singing off. MERRY WINTMAS!
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