Random Sonic Stories First Prev - Return of the Prince - Arrivle - Foxhunt PT8 - Foxhunt PT7 - Foxhunt PT6 - Foxhunt PT5 - Foxhunt PT4 - Foxhunt PT3 - Foxhunt PT2 - Foxhunt PT1 - Can't you hear it? - A son of a mother Pt4 - A son of a mother Pt3 - A son of a mother Pt2 - A son of a mother Pt1 - Plots and divitions pt5 - Plots and divitions pt4 - breif break - Plots and divitions pt3 - Plots and divitions pt2 - Plots and divitions pt1 - Death of a comrade - Tone Strikes pt8 - Tone Strikes pt7 - Tone Strikes pt6 - Tone Strikes pt5 - Tone Strikes pt4 - Tone Strikes pt3 - Tone Strikes pt2 - Tone strikes - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt8 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt7 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt6 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt5 - What ever happened to Miles Prower Pt4 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt3 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt2 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt1 - traveling along - Tone - And they're off - woot - 300 - the commander and the egg - Mr WIP rip? - Stupid complete - Scatter - and there off - The fall of the hint - Woop missed - The new assult - ... - escape plan pt2 - escape plan pt1 - departure disccuison - The meeting Pt5 - The Meeting Pt4 - the meeting Pt3 - The meeting PT2 - The meeting - Guard talk - Snapping back to the presant - 30 years gone PT5 - 30 Years gone PT4 - 30 Years gone Pt3 - 30 years gone Pt2 - 30 years gone Pt 1 - Guests or prisoners? - Who is he? - Hurried departure - First Clash Pt4 - first clash pt3 - First Clash PT2 - The first clash Pt1 - The stick man returns - Fail safe - Trapped - the return? - to the future pt3 - to the future pt2 - to the future pt1 - Past and Future - Sonic & amy Pt 4 - Sonic & Amy pt3 - Sonic & Amy Pt2 - Sonic & Amy Pt1 - er... a title which involes cream & natasher - bad news good news - Taking ashort break - *add title here* - To wish upon a wand pt4 - To wish upon a wand pt3 - to wish upon a wand pt2 - Tony Blair #250 - to wish upon a wand pt1 - Spoilers - Who she is - er... I can't think of a title - Marine - The return! - Guess who's here - Blaze - Iblis - Two Blazes?????? - Silver - at the speed of 370.39 m/s - He won't be beaten - A day at the beach - Super Sonic Chase - Who is she? - Halucination? - We interupt this comic for a special treat - Launch - The Interdimentional top hat and traveling camode - Tea? - Amy & Amy? - Suprise! - Savina's angry - Phone call - Swiping a necklace. - Apears out of the blue. - Patience - A DARK FUTURE - New years greetings from the floating head of Yuri - Pie attack - Aftermarth pt 2 - Aftermarth pt1 - 12th day - 11th day - 10th day - 9th day - 8th day - 7th day - 6th day - 5th day - 4th day - 3rd day - 2nd day - 1st day - Welcome to wintmas - Ice Cream - Eggman's mess - Trailer. - Orb Of Desire Credits - The End part 3 - The End part 2 - The End part 1 - annother copyright attack. - uh............ still can't think of a title............. - blahblahblah - Sisters - where'd eggman go? - camo credits - To bring him home - Anger of MrWorkinprogress - Shaun - Interuptions - Surprising turn - Flashback - Cream Lives! - Cearful to what you say - Super Chao - If your too lazy/unable to get to the end............... #200 - prolog to 200 - The prisoner - serects - The Emerald chamber - It won't work - Reluctance - the quick return of the red sky - relisation - Sceams for Basil Brush - return to normality? - Desires - The last suprise attack - wand gone - Return? - Another sneak attack! - crumbling - Island rasing - Flee! - the diary - forgotten what the title was - Safe Wand - It's a beam! - He was saved......... Again! - timly save RUN EGGHEAD RUN! - departure. - departure arguement - Extra seats - farewell chaos - What's going on? Sonics being sued! - cast light.... - What can cream do? - usless - HERMITS UNITED! - What can Knuckles do? - Fire the connon! - Return of chaos - Well isn't that a coincidence - TORNADO 3! - Contemplation - Leaving somthing behind. - Shaun's argument - inroducing - The return - Filler - New comic. - Sueing Sonic. - Filler - captured pokemon - Raindance - Filler - route 101 - Creams mistake - Saved by a speeding brown thing - Enter... Desire. - My lord - Time to depart - knuckles's thoughts. - Times travellers argument - It's.... a dot - They can't harm us - Metal charmy strikes! - the final test. - Just because your from the future, dosen't mean you know the past. - Crems thoughts - To stop a desire - Filller: The British Summer - Origin of the orb of desire pt2 - The Origin of the Orb of Desire - Eggmans wand pt2 - Eggman's wand pt1 - That's not why we're here. - First order of Buissness - Bidding wars - covinacation pt2 - Conivination pt1 - All lies! - Quit calling me that! - To the meeting! - Shauns.... new clothes? - Refusal - a filler i'mafraid - Savina's new clothes - Why clothes? - The Village pt7 - The Village pt 6 - The village pt 5 - The Village pt4 - The village pt 3 - The village pt2 - The village pt1 Arrived - there whant to what??????? - Shoot before asking - Another explaination of origin - Fragile? - The village in the distants - staring contset - The incompetedness - Fade and arrivel - Filler - brain on strike - they live. - BOOOOM! - The second test - questions. - filler - *add somthing here* - A floating head - Where he went no-one knows. - Warp away. - intermition. - WOO! #100! - prolog to 100 - Onwards - Future exsistance - Silence in the room - chaos zap - Hints - Thoughts - I-pod - Convinced - (add title here) - Shaun attacks! - A door & a hole. - exushtion - Polar Vampire bats - punishment - The daul - Don't taunt a giant killing machine - Artilery fire. - Battle of Station Square.....Again - 4 questions and an idiodit knuckles. - Why it's cheep - Off on an exciting adventure. - Water control - Bubly chaos - The battle goes on. - The great..... escape? - Meanings - The Nurcery Rhyme - Nerury Rhymes? - water? where did this come from? - On the road to...... where? - Twins and the future. - moving on. - foe trip - What Cream wants........ - Latin! - Unconcious Copyright pt2 - Unconcious copyright pt1 - Message..... from where? - Return of Sonic. - Destiny 4/4 - destiny 3/4 - Destiny part 2/4 Desiny part 1/4 - Who's that? - Another joins the ranks...... - Enter Shadow - A moment of scilence. Tornado 3 origin. - Confrontaion - part 2! - Confrontation - Part 1! - Filler again. - Seigh of city hall. - Filler - Retreat? - Mike's last report - Cream & Amy - Badnik attack - Tails - Battle in Air - Knuckles&Savina - Death, destrution, & a random Godziller appearance - We're on the road to death & destrutin - Time wasting? Not at all. - Copyright strikes back! Aye, it be a poor news report. - TV! It's an emergancy! - He's a slow mo! - #37 Gathering - #36 Savina's mistake - #35 Tails the Human - #34 Faimily Union - #33 Saved by the messenger - #32 Hero No More! - #31 Hey its a giant talking Egg! - #30 Is it a sign? Recap - It all has to come to an end..... - Wintmas Day - Happyness for all! - 12th day - 11th day - 10th day - 9th day - 8th day - The Seventh Day Of Wintmas By VinceLikesRooster - 6th day - 5th day - 4th day - 3rd day - 2nd day - 1st day Winmas Break - Another filler - #29 Natasher part 3 - #28 Natasher part 2 - #27 Natasher Part 1 - #26 Savina & Knuckles - #25 Change Over Filler - #24 Explainations Curse - #23 Mocking Fate. - #22 Blockade Runners - #21 And it Begins - #20 Forboding - #19 Her Age - #18 The Fate Of The World - #17 History Lesson - #16 Enter Eggman Part2 - #15 Enter Eggman Part1 - # 14 Cream - # 13 The Great Hero Title page "Orb Of Desire" - #12 - #11 End of an Evil - # 10 The Jurney - #9 Answers - #8 Loose ends - #7 Copyright - #6 Solutions - #5 Who is she? - #4 Wait it gets worse - #3 Mystery Deepens - #2 Talks #1 First try Next Last First Prev - Return of the Prince - Arrivle - Foxhunt PT8 - Foxhunt PT7 - Foxhunt PT6 - Foxhunt PT5 - Foxhunt PT4 - Foxhunt PT3 - Foxhunt PT2 - Foxhunt PT1 - Can't you hear it? - A son of a mother Pt4 - A son of a mother Pt3 - A son of a mother Pt2 - A son of a mother Pt1 - Plots and divitions pt5 - Plots and divitions pt4 - breif break - Plots and divitions pt3 - Plots and divitions pt2 - Plots and divitions pt1 - Death of a comrade - Tone Strikes pt8 - Tone Strikes pt7 - Tone Strikes pt6 - Tone Strikes pt5 - Tone Strikes pt4 - Tone Strikes pt3 - Tone Strikes pt2 - Tone strikes - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt8 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt7 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt6 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt5 - What ever happened to Miles Prower Pt4 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt3 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt2 - What ever happened to Miles Prower? Pt1 - traveling along - Tone - And they're off - woot - 300 - the commander and the egg - Mr WIP rip? - Stupid complete - Scatter - and there off - The fall of the hint - Woop missed - The new assult - ... - escape plan pt2 - escape plan pt1 - departure disccuison - The meeting Pt5 - The Meeting Pt4 - the meeting Pt3 - The meeting PT2 - The meeting - Guard talk - Snapping back to the presant - 30 years gone PT5 - 30 Years gone PT4 - 30 Years gone Pt3 - 30 years gone Pt2 - 30 years gone Pt 1 - Guests or prisoners? - Who is he? - Hurried departure - First Clash Pt4 - first clash pt3 - First Clash PT2 - The first clash Pt1 - The stick man returns - Fail safe - Trapped - the return? - to the future pt3 - to the future pt2 - to the future pt1 - Past and Future - Sonic & amy Pt 4 - Sonic & Amy pt3 - Sonic & Amy Pt2 - Sonic & Amy Pt1 - er... a title which involes cream & natasher - bad news good news - Taking ashort break - *add title here* - To wish upon a wand pt4 - To wish upon a wand pt3 - to wish upon a wand pt2 - Tony Blair #250 - to wish upon a wand pt1 - Spoilers - Who she is - er... I can't think of a title - Marine - The return! - Guess who's here - Blaze - Iblis - Two Blazes?????? - Silver - at the speed of 370.39 m/s - He won't be beaten - A day at the beach - Super Sonic Chase - Who is she? - Halucination? - We interupt this comic for a special treat - Launch - The Interdimentional top hat and traveling camode - Tea? - Amy & Amy? - Suprise! - Savina's angry - Phone call - Swiping a necklace. - Apears out of the blue. - Patience - A DARK FUTURE - New years greetings from the floating head of Yuri - Pie attack - Aftermarth pt 2 - Aftermarth pt1 - 12th day - 11th day - 10th day - 9th day - 8th day - 7th day - 6th day - 5th day - 4th day - 3rd day - 2nd day - 1st day - Welcome to wintmas - Ice Cream - Eggman's mess - Trailer. - Orb Of Desire Credits - The End part 3 - The End part 2 - The End part 1 - annother copyright attack. - uh............ still can't think of a title............. - blahblahblah - Sisters - where'd eggman go? - camo credits - To bring him home - Anger of MrWorkinprogress - Shaun - Interuptions - Surprising turn - Flashback - Cream Lives! - Cearful to what you say - Super Chao - If your too lazy/unable to get to the end............... #200 - prolog to 200 - The prisoner - serects - The Emerald chamber - It won't work - Reluctance - the quick return of the red sky - relisation - Sceams for Basil Brush - return to normality? - Desires - The last suprise attack - wand gone - Return? - Another sneak attack! - crumbling - Island rasing - Flee! - the diary - forgotten what the title was - Safe Wand - It's a beam! - He was saved......... Again! - timly save RUN EGGHEAD RUN! - departure. - departure arguement - Extra seats - farewell chaos - What's going on? Sonics being sued! - cast light.... - What can cream do? - usless - HERMITS UNITED! - What can Knuckles do? - Fire the connon! - Return of chaos - Well isn't that a coincidence - TORNADO 3! - Contemplation - Leaving somthing behind. - Shaun's argument - inroducing - The return - Filler - New comic. - Sueing Sonic. - Filler - captured pokemon - Raindance - Filler - route 101 - Creams mistake - Saved by a speeding brown thing - Enter... Desire. - My lord - Time to depart - knuckles's thoughts. - Times travellers argument - It's.... a dot - They can't harm us - Metal charmy strikes! - the final test. - Just because your from the future, dosen't mean you know the past. - Crems thoughts - To stop a desire - Filller: The British Summer - Origin of the orb of desire pt2 - The Origin of the Orb of Desire - Eggmans wand pt2 - Eggman's wand pt1 - That's not why we're here. - First order of Buissness - Bidding wars - covinacation pt2 - Conivination pt1 - All lies! - Quit calling me that! - To the meeting! - Shauns.... new clothes? - Refusal - a filler i'mafraid - Savina's new clothes - Why clothes? - The Village pt7 - The Village pt 6 - The village pt 5 - The Village pt4 - The village pt 3 - The village pt2 - The village pt1 Arrived - there whant to what??????? - Shoot before asking - Another explaination of origin - Fragile? - The village in the distants - staring contset - The incompetedness - Fade and arrivel - Filler - brain on strike - they live. - BOOOOM! - The second test - questions. - filler - *add somthing here* - A floating head - Where he went no-one knows. - Warp away. - intermition. - WOO! #100! - prolog to 100 - Onwards - Future exsistance - Silence in the room - chaos zap - Hints - Thoughts - I-pod - Convinced - (add title here) - Shaun attacks! - A door & a hole. - exushtion - Polar Vampire bats - punishment - The daul - Don't taunt a giant killing machine - Artilery fire. - Battle of Station Square.....Again - 4 questions and an idiodit knuckles. - Why it's cheep - Off on an exciting adventure. - Water control - Bubly chaos - The battle goes on. - The great..... escape? - Meanings - The Nurcery Rhyme - Nerury Rhymes? - water? where did this come from? - On the road to...... where? - Twins and the future. - moving on. - foe trip - What Cream wants........ - Latin! - Unconcious Copyright pt2 - Unconcious copyright pt1 - Message..... from where? - Return of Sonic. - Destiny 4/4 - destiny 3/4 - Destiny part 2/4 Desiny part 1/4 - Who's that? - Another joins the ranks...... - Enter Shadow - A moment of scilence. Tornado 3 origin. - Confrontaion - part 2! - Confrontation - Part 1! - Filler again. - Seigh of city hall. - Filler - Retreat? - Mike's last report - Cream & Amy - Badnik attack - Tails - Battle in Air - Knuckles&Savina - Death, destrution, & a random Godziller appearance - We're on the road to death & destrutin - Time wasting? Not at all. - Copyright strikes back! Aye, it be a poor news report. - TV! It's an emergancy! - He's a slow mo! - #37 Gathering - #36 Savina's mistake - #35 Tails the Human - #34 Faimily Union - #33 Saved by the messenger - #32 Hero No More! - #31 Hey its a giant talking Egg! - #30 Is it a sign? Recap - It all has to come to an end..... - Wintmas Day - Happyness for all! - 12th day - 11th day - 10th day - 9th day - 8th day - The Seventh Day Of Wintmas By VinceLikesRooster - 6th day - 5th day - 4th day - 3rd day - 2nd day - 1st day Winmas Break - Another filler - #29 Natasher part 3 - #28 Natasher part 2 - #27 Natasher Part 1 - #26 Savina & Knuckles - #25 Change Over Filler - #24 Explainations Curse - #23 Mocking Fate. - #22 Blockade Runners - #21 And it Begins - #20 Forboding - #19 Her Age - #18 The Fate Of The World - #17 History Lesson - #16 Enter Eggman Part2 - #15 Enter Eggman Part1 - # 14 Cream - # 13 The Great Hero Title page "Orb Of Desire" - #12 - #11 End of an Evil - # 10 The Jurney - #9 Answers - #8 Loose ends - #7 Copyright - #6 Solutions - #5 Who is she? - #4 Wait it gets worse - #3 Mystery Deepens - #2 Talks #1 First try Next Last Author notes #35 Tails the Human saria on Jan. 15, 2008 Dumdum! I wanted the light effects coming off Knuckles & Savina to be green, except i couldn't figure out how. Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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