- The End.
- Goodbye
- Here for you
- Oh
- Babies
- Sisterly Love
- 101 Reasons to Leave Leanne in the Van
- Page 100!
- One Van Ride Later
- Crash
- Goodnight
- Afterschool S'mores
- Surprise
- Home
- Ooh, Fire!
- And Spiked
- My Snowcone...
- Outed
- You're Straight!?
- And You, of Course
- Fabulous!
- Also, Fabulous
- Hard Jaw
- One Good Eye is All I Need
- At the Beach
- Piercing
- My Rasvaar-Sense is Tingling
- I'M GAY!
- Me?
- Lotta Work
- Advice
- Timing
- Completely Insane
- Pretty
- Let's Kick It!
- Have a Look at This
- Rasvaar and Troy
- Soothing
- Gay Phase Thingie
- Hate hate hate
- Kylie's Awesome!
- We're Like This
- Suprise!
- Valentine's Day Special 2007
- Gaggle of Groupies
- Leanne Has a Plan
- One Minor Problem
- Fragile
- Can He Hear Us?
- Get-Away Van
- Xavier's New Addiction
- Forgetting Something?
- So Rasvaar...
- Deflowered
- I Like You For You
- Valentine Special
- Didn't Deflower
- 5:00am
- First Kiss
- Every Man's Dream
- Smart Too
- Another Goth
- One of Us
- Attack of the Goths
- Yoink
- Why People Don't Like Emos
- Miss Unbalanced
- To the Thrift Store!
- Blend In
- Big Fat Billboard
- Ass-Grabbing Farewells
- Are We There Yet?
- Thank God
- No God
- Five More Minutes
- Damn
- Leanne Came Up With That
- Evil Wins Once More
- Where's Weirdo
- Stupid-head
- A New Record
- Echidna Burger
- Stinky-head
- The Mighty Snacked
- Double Bed
- Cityboy
- Clean Underwear
- Mum and Mad
- Motherly Love
- Welcome to Birdsville
- Now What
- So Damn Attractive
- Mister Crazy Lady
- A Tad Awkward
- Rasvaar's Girlfriend
- Cute Guys
- Eep
- Chewed!?
- No Flashing
- The Adventure Begins
- Touche
- SAY NO. To Pants.
- Watch Me
- A Little Queer
- Souless
- Honest Little Kid
- It's a Statement
- Raging Vampire
- Silence
- Bit of a Give Away.
- New Words
- Nasty Suprise
Author notes
There's a reason Rasvaar ran. Also, I uploaded two pages at once, there's another page right before this one. I uploaded two at once because I didn't want anyone thinking that Rasvaar's parents are nice people. They are not. Check me out on the web: Tumblr: Twitter: Facebook: Website: Other Comics:
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