Ravager Worm

Ravager Worm Act I p24

Author notes

Ravager Worm Act I p24


Sorry this one is about a day late, but as the first act is drawing to a close i'm really trying to maintain a somewhat regular biweekly update schedule. i'll do my best to get monday's page up on time.

As simple as it looks, this page was a mess. None of the panels were the right size or in the right position. I liked the work i had done on it too much to start from scratch. so what you see is a result of heavy editing.

The next comic will probably go up Monday night. I love how my comic glorifies all the stuff i don't do anymore. Not to ruin the end of this comic, but there will be no negative consequences to the heavy drinking and drug use. In fact there's a very good possiblity that the use of mood-altering substances will lead to even more enjoyable activites, which also will not have any negative consequences. Just like real life.

You may have noticed i changed the rating of Ravager Worm from Adult to Mature. So far i haven't had much content that would really warrant an Adult rating. I never did, nor do i plan on censoring myself to meet a standard. What ever my warped little brain conceived, I threw down on the page and I will continue doing so. That said, I'm going to see how things go. If people complain or I get flagged I'll change it back with little fuss.


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