Before you say Costco, I go there every week it's no big deal…. Try living in a country where it is hard to find the things that you are used to using, eating, or just being with, then when you do find it on the economy, it is very expensive… I love Costco…. it is a special treat for me! I get all the snacks and junk that I miss soooo much!!! My wife and I only go there twice a year, so this makes it extra special, as a family of two really don't need the sizes of products sold there but only so often! We are going there tomorrow… I'm so excited!!!
I'm working with "that kid yellow" on his comic Dome Busta …. please check it out, I'm doing the coloring… I've messed around with all the programs in my arsenal, and now I feel that my coloring is good enough for Dome Busta …
Without letting any cat's out of the bag… that kid yellow and I will have a joint comic coming about in the near future… His drawing is just about the best that I have ever seen… and Dome Busta is just a small sample of what you guys will get in the future!!!
_________________________________________________ replies to yesterday's comic comments _________________________________________________ Rushton That would make it easier if you wanted a midnight snack!!! Aurora (^U^) So, you were Japanese for a time…. Flup It is much different when it is not a choice, but a way of life… Vickie If it was an American mattress, that would be heaven!!! try a two inch thick mattress…. Warped I try to go through the updated today comics… but then that is only once in a while… Anubis (^U^) always look on the bright side of life *whistels tune Pope (^U^) we are saving money for an actual bed… my wife is getting tired of getting up from the floor as well… Midge (-_-) please don't take me to the vet and have me put to sleep….. GRunner (^U^) Gabe (^O^) Right you are!!! Harry and Armando Thanks for coming by guys!!! Jonko LOL!!! I know the first night at my folks house I fell out of bed!!!! Crox Thanks… I used it for a t-shirt design… The Offspring "original prankster" logo… Akki (^U^) Jabali I've been there too…. a place that I don't want to go again!! Ziggy Hey thanks for coming by!!! Do you have a comic that I can come visit… your account says that you used to…. Machine LOL!!! No night stands in my house… have a TV stand… Dawn Me too… and it does suck!! tFGM I can only tell you what I see at my house, my friends, and my wifes family's houses… but they might be gaining in popularity. dot X 3 (^U^) Nope… just not a morning person! Bacaja Hey thanks guy!!!… I have a US futon too, in my living room, I used it threw out the Air Force years… TKY But all the time?!?!?! have at it!!!
Thanks for coming by… My week is screwy for comics… but there should be a new comic up Thursday and or Friday… Then, some old comics, or some guest art/strips *crosses fingers Again please check out Dome Busta Alex and I both appreciate it!!!
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