American men's jackets the zipper is on the right side… Japanese jackets are on the left… After learning how to zip right hand zips, changing over can be troublesome to say the least…
_____________________________________________________ the reply thingy _____________________________________________________ Anubis it's all good! Vickie mine are that long just for routine cleaning… no I don't have dirty teeth… just one quarter mouth at a time… Bocaj just blue might be better than black and blue! TBustah here the base government insurance covers 70% of the costs… so I'll take the troublesome multi visits over higher payments… Kevin no I have not,,, but I will Yahoo it today! Flup yes it is… (^U^) harry (O_O) me too!!!! TFS yes they are… and it's own comic soon to come! armando (^O^) thanks for dropping by! GR I don't chain smoke…. but smoking a pack a day every day can do this to your teeth…. Emily (^U^)… I'm sure she will!!! Thanks for commenting!! bacon (*_^) Dawn "I'll trade you!" LOL!!! Machine yes I would agree with your mouth… but cannibalism has no place in modern society… Matt I will do a "Corey" Raw Fish? every so often… just to keep it real!
Thanks one and all for dropping by and having a look!!! I'm very proud to say that Raw Fish? has just jumped in to the top 20 of all comics here on this site… one more goal down in the record books… the next step is the top ten… if you enjoy the comic, click on the advertisement banners… or let your friends know about the comic…
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