Offending readers is about the dumbest idea ever. Maddox you aren't. There is a different between shock entertainment, and pure racist. Please go join a nazi movement if your going to spread this stuff around.
If I recall correctly, one user already got banned for posting crap like this. Leave your racism at the door, because right now, you seem to be the only one getting offended, by us.
Where did you get the idea I offend blacks or fags? I offend everyone, thats the whole point of my comic. FUCK YOU ALL, AND GO FUCK YOUR GODDAMN MOTHERS YOU GODDAMN SON'S OF BITCHES!
Why are people 5'ing this? The comic suffers from JPEG compression, poor humor, and horrible writing. It insults blacks and homosexuals to boot. Now sure, race and sex jokes can be funny if used in the proper context. This just out right offends them.
The graphics suck, but I highly doubt you was trying to go for anything revolutionary, so it dosen't really matter, as for the script, it isn't bad, I was exspecting some low quality jokes you'd only find in sprite comics, where as there low quality jokes you normaly find in my humor so I'm happy.
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18903 at
Crus4d3r at
Crus4d3r at
Rich at
That's some pretty hardcore insults there. Why I must say that all the other 5th graders must be envious of your sharp wit!Spoon at
Trashcan at
hell yeah. Black pwns!
pandapandapie at
I love it!
This is probably my favorite of all your comics so far. I totally love that you brought back Black too.
Drazi500 at
Lafarce is right even i don't need that much work.
lefarce at
Offending readers is about the dumbest idea ever. Maddox you aren't. There is a different between shock entertainment, and pure racist. Please go join a nazi movement if your going to spread this stuff around.
If I recall correctly, one user already got banned for posting crap like this. Leave your racism at the door, because right now, you seem to be the only one getting offended, by us.
Trashcan at
Where did you get the idea I offend blacks or fags? I offend everyone, thats the whole point of my comic. FUCK YOU ALL, AND GO FUCK YOUR GODDAMN MOTHERS YOU GODDAMN SON'S OF BITCHES!
Wes_Nero123 at
and fuking racist jokes arent funny IM BLACK you damn Queef so go fuk urself
Wes_Nero123 at
yea i do got balls unlike U
Wes_Nero123 at
yea i do got balls unlike U
lefarce at
And it's not "closeminded". When your write for your characters it's an extention of your own emotions and views.
lefarce at
Why are people 5'ing this? The comic suffers from JPEG compression, poor humor, and horrible writing. It insults blacks and homosexuals to boot. Now sure, race and sex jokes can be funny if used in the proper context. This just out right offends them.
Spoon at
Chew on this! *Throws 5*
Spoon at
Dude.. let's get wasted xD
Locoma at
haha it's true, they share the hate to their authors
Anch0vy at
The graphics suck, but I highly doubt you was trying to go for anything revolutionary, so it dosen't really matter, as for the script, it isn't bad, I was exspecting some low quality jokes you'd only find in sprite comics, where as there low quality jokes you normaly find in my humor so I'm happy.
Mimarin at
Great work, you just offended any black or homosexual readers you may have had at the same time!