First Prev - Ch5: Pg15: The End - Ch 5: Pg 14: Incognito Mode - Ch 5: Pg 13: Friend of the Family - Ch 5: Ph 12:The Blade of Thorn and Stone - Ch 5: Pg 11: Healing Wounds - Ch 5: Pg 10: Scar Story - Ch 5: Pg 9: Time Bubble - Ch 5: Pg 8: Transfusion - Ch 5: Pg 7: Lauren's Assistant - Ch 5: Pg 6: Onlookers - Ch 5: Pg 05: A Girl Worth Fighting For - Ch 5: Pg 4: Autra's Plan - Ch 5: Pg 03: Waiting for Ga-Stone - Ch 5: Pg 2: Prometheus - Ch 5: Pg 1: Emaciated Chapter Five: Stone the Professor - Ch 4: Pg 54: The Next 15 Years (or so) - Ch 4: Pg 53: Questions Answered - Ch 4: Pg 52: Reassuring Alice - Ch 4: Pg 51: Twin Track - Ch 4: Pg 50: Escape Plan - Ch 4: Pg 49: Two Girls, One Elf - Ch 4: Pg 48: Grubered - Ch 4: Pg 47: Crumble - Ch4: Pg46: Sunken - Ch 4: Pg 45: More Fighting With Magic - Ch 4: Pg 44:Broken Mask - Ch 4: Pg 43: Autra vs Felicity - Ch 4: Pg 42: The Plans of Elves and Men - Ch 4: Page 41: Distraction - Ch 4: Pg 40: Ultimate Weapon - Ch 4: Pg 39: Tower Control - Ch 4: Pg 38: Going Up - Ch4: Pg37: Open Sesame - Ch 4: Pg 36: To the Tower - Ch 4: Pg 35: Call For Help - Ch 4: Pg 34: Power of Suggestion - Ch 4: Page 33: Latent Abilities - Ch 4: Page 32: After High School - Ch 4: Page 31: C- - Ch 4: Pg 30: By Proxy - Ch 4: Page 29: Backstory - Ch 4: Pg 28: Information on Autra - Ch 4: Pg 27: Back to the Guild - Ch 4: Page 26: Merchant of [Apples] - Ch 4: Page 25: Return to the Elf City - Ch 4: Page 24: Lost Books - Ch 5: Pg 23: Consolation and Coffee - Ch 4: Page 22: Flashbacks - Ch 4: Page 21: First Assignment - Ch 4: Page 20: Meet Your Master - Ch 4: Pg 19: Twin Swap - Ch 4: Pg 18: Change Back? - Ch 4: Pg 17: CHANGE PLACES! - Ch 4: Page 16: Wonder Twins - Ch 4: Pg 15: Pteropodidae - Ch 5: Pg 14: First Day - Ch4: Pg13: Felicity's Nightmare - Ch4: Pg12: Ian the Librarian - Ch 4: Page 11: Finding a Master - Ch 4: Page 10: Those Who Can't Teach...? - Ch 4: Page 9: Language of Magic - Ch 4: Page 8: Wand Safety - Ch 4: Page 7: Momma Bear - Ch 4: Page 6: Price Check - Ch 4: Page 5: Felicity's Choice - Ch 4: Page 4: Right Hand of Restoration - Ch 4: Page 3: Second Opinion - Ch 4: Page 2: Spot Remover - Ch 4: Page 1: Magical Friends Chapter 4: Stone the Chosen - Intermission 3: Page 11: Several Months Later - Intermission 3: Page 10: Family Matters - Intermission 3: Page 9: The Last Hurdles - Intermission 3: Page 8: Pillow Talk - Intermission 3: Page 7: Family Dinner - Intermission 3: Page 6: Medium Rare - Intermission 3: Page 5: Gone Home - Intermission 3: Page 4: Absolution - Intermission 3: Page 3: Closure - Intermission 3: Page 2: Maximum Security - Intermission 3: Page 1: Alexis's Compromise Intermission 3: The Prisoner of The Guild - Ch 3: Page 70: Disabilities - Ch 3: Page 69: Magic Test - Ch 3: Page 68: Aftermath - Ch 3: Pg 67: Monster Allies and Parasites - Ch 3: Pg 66: Oggy Goes Down - Ch3: Pg 65: Elf in Distress - Ch 3: Page 64: A Comic of Ice and Magic - Ch 3: Page 63: Wizard Fight - Ch 3: Page 62: Magic Battle - Chapter 3: Page 61: Landing Zone - Ch 3: Page 60: Cloudy with a Chance of Dragon - Ch 3: Page 59: Rise of the Orange Wyvern - Chapter 3: Page 58: The Blue Dragon Rises - Ch 3: Page 57: Pass the Dragon - Ch 3: Page 56: Ultimatum - Ch 3: Page 55: The Shape of Mana - Ch 3: Page 54: Confessions of an Elf - Ch 3: Page 53: Final Form - Ch3: Page 52: Elf World - Ch 3: Page 51: Control Spell - Ch 3: Page 50: Confronting the Dragon - Ch 3: Page 49: Magic Jam - Ch 3: Page 48: Sacrificial Book - Ch 3: Page 47: Confessions of a Teenage Wizard - Ch 3: Page 46: Laundry Dragon - Ch 3: Pg 45: Setting the Table - Ch 3: Page 44: Defensive Spell - Ch 3: Page 43: Third Form - Ch 3: Page 42: Outside Help - Ch 3: Page 41: Proxy Portal - Ch 3: Page 40: She Can Talk! - Ch 3: Page 39: Charm Transfer - Ch 3: Page 38: Parasite - Ch 3: Page 37: The Chosen Three - Ch 3: Pg 36: Into the Unknown - Ch 3: Page 35: Return of the Elf - Ch 3: Pg 34: Robbie vs The Librarian - Ch 3: Page 33: Safe Place - Ch 3: Page 32: Cheap Shot - Ch 3: Page 31: A Case of the Mondays - Ch3: Page 30: Weekend at Oggy's - Ch 3: Page 29: Milk and Cereal - Ch 3: Page 28: Interloper - Ch 3: Page 27: As You Wish - Ch 3: Page 26: Stone the Summoner - Ch 3: Page 25: Opening the Tome - Ch 3: Page 24: Proxy - Ch 3: Page 23: Bag of Tricks - Ch 3: Page 22: Escape Plan - Ch 3: Page 21: Ctrl + Z - Ch 3: Page 20: Swish - Ch 3: Page 19: Fighting Mana a Mana - Ch 3: Page 18: Retaliation - Ch 3: Page 17: Tome Retrieval - Ch 3: Page 16: Stone the Thief - Ch 3: Page 15: Pre-Show Jitters - Ch 3: Page 14: Catch a Ride! - Ch 3: Page 13: Sunday Dress - Ch 3: Page 12: The Truth Comes Out - Ch 3: Page 11: Twinsplaining - Ch 3: Page 10: Bonding Over Breakfast - Ch 3: Page 9: Saturday Morning Breakfast - Ch 3: Page 8: The Mediator - Ch 3: Page 7: Alice's Lament - Ch 3: Page 6: Into the Box - Ch 3: Page 5: The Great Robino - Ch 3: Page 4: I Dream of Better Routines - Ch 3: Page 3: Dress Rehersal - Ch 3: Page 2: Robbie's Plan - Ch 3: Page 1: Robbie's Dilemma Chapter Three Cover - Intermission 2: Page 11: Tanisha and Richard - Intermission 2: Page 10: Bruce - Intermission 2: Page 9: Alex - Intermission 2: Page 8: Class Start - Intermission 2: Page 7: Expansion - Intermission 2: Page 6: Mental Defenses - Intermission 2: Page 5: Not-so-Guilty Conscience - Intermission 2: Page 4: Worksheets - Intermission 2: Page 3: End of Class - Intermission 2: Page 2: Return of the Phantom - Intermission 2: Page 1: Q&A Intermission 2: The Four Problem Students - Ch 2: Page 38: Memories of a Wizard - Ch 2: Page 37: The Calvary Arrives - Ch 2: Page 36: Exit Elf - Ch 2: Page 35: Nix Down - Ch 2: Page 34: Phantom Remover - Ch 2: Page 33: The Great Escape - Ch 2: Page 32: It's a Trap! - Ch 2: Page 31: Gorgon in the Hall - Ch 2: Pg 30: Chimera - Ch 2: Page 29: Friendship Rift - Ch 2: Page 28: End of the Date - Ch 2: Page 27: Museum of Mom - Ch 2: Page 26: Book Wyrm - Ch 2: Page 25: Curse Detection - Ch 2: Page 24: Mimicry - Ch 2: Page 23: Wait Staff - Ch 2: Page 22: Main Attraction - Ch 2: Page 21: First Date - Ch 2: Page 20: Date Ready - Ch 2: Page 19: Magic Interrupted - Ch 2: Page 18: Wax On - Ch 2: Page 17: Try, Try Again - Ch 2: Page 16: Potion Making 101 - Ch 2: Page 15: What about Rob? - Ch 2: Page 14: Lunchtime Lies - Ch 2: Pg 13: On the Other Hand... - Ch 2: Page 12: Robbie's Diagnosis - Ch: 2: Page 11:Curse Talk - Ch 2: Pg 10: Cursed! - Ch 2: Pg 9 Felicity's Statement - Ch 2: Pg 8: Not Your Fault - Ch 2: Pg 7: Recovery - Ch 2: Pg 6: My Hero - Ch 2: Pg 5: Total Destruction - Ch 2: Pg 4: Red Mana Mambo - Ch 2: Pg 3: Soul Transfer - Ch 2: Pg 2: Monologue - Ch 2: Pg 1: Back to the Story Chapter Two Cover - Intermission 1: Page 4: The Darker Side - Intermission 1: Page 3: That Woman Needs Therapy. - Intermission 1: Page 2: An Angel On Your Shoulder - Intermission 1: Page 1: A Pause in the Story Intermission 1: Lunchtime - Ch 1: Page 36: Walter Nix - Ch 1: Page 35: Magic Detection - Ch 1: Page 34: The Receptionist - Ch 1: Page 33: Scry Me a River - Ch 1: Page 32: Felicity vs. Brick - Ch 1: Page 31: Basic Spells for Basic Witches - Ch 1: Page 30: Back to Lessons - Ch 1: Page 29: Alice's Assets - Ch 1: Page 28: Control Your Mana - Ch 1: Page 27: Bully for You - Ch 1: Page 26: It's Not a Trick, It's an ILLUSION! - Ch 1: Page 25: Breakfast and a Braid - Ch 1: Page 24: Take Time with a Wounded Hand - Ch 1: Page 23: Overload - Ch 1: Page 22: Push - Ch 1: Pg 21: The Color of Mana - Ch 1: Pg 20: Workout Clothes - Ch 1: Page 19: Italian Dinner - Ch 1: Pg 18: Celebration Time! - Ch 1: Pg 17: Reunion - Ch 1: Pg 16: Unmasked - Ch 1: Pg 15: Eddie's Test - Ch 1: Pg 14: Masked Woman - Ch 1: Pg 13: Portal Sphere - Ch 1: Pg 12: Family Dinner - Ch 1: Pg 11: The Kids Are Home - Ch 1: Pg 10: Mana Tapping - Ch 1: Pg 9: Up and At 'Em - Ch 1: Pg 8: Waking Up Again - Ch 1: Pg 7: You Wouldn't Like me When I'm Angry - Ch1: Pg6: Friend and Enemy - Ch1: Pg5: Meeting the Girlfriend - Ch 1: Pg4: First Day - Ch 1: Pg3: Get Ready! - Ch 1: Pg2: Magic Block - Ch1: Pg1: Some Background Chapter One Cover - Prologue #05: Story Time! - Prologue #04: Scar - Prologue #03: Remedial Class - Prologue #02: Assembly - Prologue #01: It's a Sign Prologue Cover Next Last First Prev - Ch5: Pg15: The End - Ch 5: Pg 14: Incognito Mode - Ch 5: Pg 13: Friend of the Family - Ch 5: Ph 12:The Blade of Thorn and Stone - Ch 5: Pg 11: Healing Wounds - Ch 5: Pg 10: Scar Story - Ch 5: Pg 9: Time Bubble - Ch 5: Pg 8: Transfusion - Ch 5: Pg 7: Lauren's Assistant - Ch 5: Pg 6: Onlookers - Ch 5: Pg 05: A Girl Worth Fighting For - Ch 5: Pg 4: Autra's Plan - Ch 5: Pg 03: Waiting for Ga-Stone - Ch 5: Pg 2: Prometheus - Ch 5: Pg 1: Emaciated Chapter Five: Stone the Professor - Ch 4: Pg 54: The Next 15 Years (or so) - Ch 4: Pg 53: Questions Answered - Ch 4: Pg 52: Reassuring Alice - Ch 4: Pg 51: Twin Track - Ch 4: Pg 50: Escape Plan - Ch 4: Pg 49: Two Girls, One Elf - Ch 4: Pg 48: Grubered - Ch 4: Pg 47: Crumble - Ch4: Pg46: Sunken - Ch 4: Pg 45: More Fighting With Magic - Ch 4: Pg 44:Broken Mask - Ch 4: Pg 43: Autra vs Felicity - Ch 4: Pg 42: The Plans of Elves and Men - Ch 4: Page 41: Distraction - Ch 4: Pg 40: Ultimate Weapon - Ch 4: Pg 39: Tower Control - Ch 4: Pg 38: Going Up - Ch4: Pg37: Open Sesame - Ch 4: Pg 36: To the Tower - Ch 4: Pg 35: Call For Help - Ch 4: Pg 34: Power of Suggestion - Ch 4: Page 33: Latent Abilities - Ch 4: Page 32: After High School - Ch 4: Page 31: C- - Ch 4: Pg 30: By Proxy - Ch 4: Page 29: Backstory - Ch 4: Pg 28: Information on Autra - Ch 4: Pg 27: Back to the Guild - Ch 4: Page 26: Merchant of [Apples] - Ch 4: Page 25: Return to the Elf City - Ch 4: Page 24: Lost Books - Ch 5: Pg 23: Consolation and Coffee - Ch 4: Page 22: Flashbacks - Ch 4: Page 21: First Assignment - Ch 4: Page 20: Meet Your Master - Ch 4: Pg 19: Twin Swap - Ch 4: Pg 18: Change Back? - Ch 4: Pg 17: CHANGE PLACES! - Ch 4: Page 16: Wonder Twins - Ch 4: Pg 15: Pteropodidae - Ch 5: Pg 14: First Day - Ch4: Pg13: Felicity's Nightmare - Ch4: Pg12: Ian the Librarian - Ch 4: Page 11: Finding a Master - Ch 4: Page 10: Those Who Can't Teach...? - Ch 4: Page 9: Language of Magic - Ch 4: Page 8: Wand Safety - Ch 4: Page 7: Momma Bear - Ch 4: Page 6: Price Check - Ch 4: Page 5: Felicity's Choice - Ch 4: Page 4: Right Hand of Restoration - Ch 4: Page 3: Second Opinion - Ch 4: Page 2: Spot Remover - Ch 4: Page 1: Magical Friends Chapter 4: Stone the Chosen - Intermission 3: Page 11: Several Months Later - Intermission 3: Page 10: Family Matters - Intermission 3: Page 9: The Last Hurdles - Intermission 3: Page 8: Pillow Talk - Intermission 3: Page 7: Family Dinner - Intermission 3: Page 6: Medium Rare - Intermission 3: Page 5: Gone Home - Intermission 3: Page 4: Absolution - Intermission 3: Page 3: Closure - Intermission 3: Page 2: Maximum Security - Intermission 3: Page 1: Alexis's Compromise Intermission 3: The Prisoner of The Guild - Ch 3: Page 70: Disabilities - Ch 3: Page 69: Magic Test - Ch 3: Page 68: Aftermath - Ch 3: Pg 67: Monster Allies and Parasites - Ch 3: Pg 66: Oggy Goes Down - Ch3: Pg 65: Elf in Distress - Ch 3: Page 64: A Comic of Ice and Magic - Ch 3: Page 63: Wizard Fight - Ch 3: Page 62: Magic Battle - Chapter 3: Page 61: Landing Zone - Ch 3: Page 60: Cloudy with a Chance of Dragon - Ch 3: Page 59: Rise of the Orange Wyvern - Chapter 3: Page 58: The Blue Dragon Rises - Ch 3: Page 57: Pass the Dragon - Ch 3: Page 56: Ultimatum - Ch 3: Page 55: The Shape of Mana - Ch 3: Page 54: Confessions of an Elf - Ch 3: Page 53: Final Form - Ch3: Page 52: Elf World - Ch 3: Page 51: Control Spell - Ch 3: Page 50: Confronting the Dragon - Ch 3: Page 49: Magic Jam - Ch 3: Page 48: Sacrificial Book - Ch 3: Page 47: Confessions of a Teenage Wizard - Ch 3: Page 46: Laundry Dragon - Ch 3: Pg 45: Setting the Table - Ch 3: Page 44: Defensive Spell - Ch 3: Page 43: Third Form - Ch 3: Page 42: Outside Help - Ch 3: Page 41: Proxy Portal - Ch 3: Page 40: She Can Talk! - Ch 3: Page 39: Charm Transfer - Ch 3: Page 38: Parasite - Ch 3: Page 37: The Chosen Three - Ch 3: Pg 36: Into the Unknown - Ch 3: Page 35: Return of the Elf - Ch 3: Pg 34: Robbie vs The Librarian - Ch 3: Page 33: Safe Place - Ch 3: Page 32: Cheap Shot - Ch 3: Page 31: A Case of the Mondays - Ch3: Page 30: Weekend at Oggy's - Ch 3: Page 29: Milk and Cereal - Ch 3: Page 28: Interloper - Ch 3: Page 27: As You Wish - Ch 3: Page 26: Stone the Summoner - Ch 3: Page 25: Opening the Tome - Ch 3: Page 24: Proxy - Ch 3: Page 23: Bag of Tricks - Ch 3: Page 22: Escape Plan - Ch 3: Page 21: Ctrl + Z - Ch 3: Page 20: Swish - Ch 3: Page 19: Fighting Mana a Mana - Ch 3: Page 18: Retaliation - Ch 3: Page 17: Tome Retrieval - Ch 3: Page 16: Stone the Thief - Ch 3: Page 15: Pre-Show Jitters - Ch 3: Page 14: Catch a Ride! - Ch 3: Page 13: Sunday Dress - Ch 3: Page 12: The Truth Comes Out - Ch 3: Page 11: Twinsplaining - Ch 3: Page 10: Bonding Over Breakfast - Ch 3: Page 9: Saturday Morning Breakfast - Ch 3: Page 8: The Mediator - Ch 3: Page 7: Alice's Lament - Ch 3: Page 6: Into the Box - Ch 3: Page 5: The Great Robino - Ch 3: Page 4: I Dream of Better Routines - Ch 3: Page 3: Dress Rehersal - Ch 3: Page 2: Robbie's Plan - Ch 3: Page 1: Robbie's Dilemma Chapter Three Cover - Intermission 2: Page 11: Tanisha and Richard - Intermission 2: Page 10: Bruce - Intermission 2: Page 9: Alex - Intermission 2: Page 8: Class Start - Intermission 2: Page 7: Expansion - Intermission 2: Page 6: Mental Defenses - Intermission 2: Page 5: Not-so-Guilty Conscience - Intermission 2: Page 4: Worksheets - Intermission 2: Page 3: End of Class - Intermission 2: Page 2: Return of the Phantom - Intermission 2: Page 1: Q&A Intermission 2: The Four Problem Students - Ch 2: Page 38: Memories of a Wizard - Ch 2: Page 37: The Calvary Arrives - Ch 2: Page 36: Exit Elf - Ch 2: Page 35: Nix Down - Ch 2: Page 34: Phantom Remover - Ch 2: Page 33: The Great Escape - Ch 2: Page 32: It's a Trap! - Ch 2: Page 31: Gorgon in the Hall - Ch 2: Pg 30: Chimera - Ch 2: Page 29: Friendship Rift - Ch 2: Page 28: End of the Date - Ch 2: Page 27: Museum of Mom - Ch 2: Page 26: Book Wyrm - Ch 2: Page 25: Curse Detection - Ch 2: Page 24: Mimicry - Ch 2: Page 23: Wait Staff - Ch 2: Page 22: Main Attraction - Ch 2: Page 21: First Date - Ch 2: Page 20: Date Ready - Ch 2: Page 19: Magic Interrupted - Ch 2: Page 18: Wax On - Ch 2: Page 17: Try, Try Again - Ch 2: Page 16: Potion Making 101 - Ch 2: Page 15: What about Rob? - Ch 2: Page 14: Lunchtime Lies - Ch 2: Pg 13: On the Other Hand... - Ch 2: Page 12: Robbie's Diagnosis - Ch: 2: Page 11:Curse Talk - Ch 2: Pg 10: Cursed! - Ch 2: Pg 9 Felicity's Statement - Ch 2: Pg 8: Not Your Fault - Ch 2: Pg 7: Recovery - Ch 2: Pg 6: My Hero - Ch 2: Pg 5: Total Destruction - Ch 2: Pg 4: Red Mana Mambo - Ch 2: Pg 3: Soul Transfer - Ch 2: Pg 2: Monologue - Ch 2: Pg 1: Back to the Story Chapter Two Cover - Intermission 1: Page 4: The Darker Side - Intermission 1: Page 3: That Woman Needs Therapy. - Intermission 1: Page 2: An Angel On Your Shoulder - Intermission 1: Page 1: A Pause in the Story Intermission 1: Lunchtime - Ch 1: Page 36: Walter Nix - Ch 1: Page 35: Magic Detection - Ch 1: Page 34: The Receptionist - Ch 1: Page 33: Scry Me a River - Ch 1: Page 32: Felicity vs. Brick - Ch 1: Page 31: Basic Spells for Basic Witches - Ch 1: Page 30: Back to Lessons - Ch 1: Page 29: Alice's Assets - Ch 1: Page 28: Control Your Mana - Ch 1: Page 27: Bully for You - Ch 1: Page 26: It's Not a Trick, It's an ILLUSION! - Ch 1: Page 25: Breakfast and a Braid - Ch 1: Page 24: Take Time with a Wounded Hand - Ch 1: Page 23: Overload - Ch 1: Page 22: Push - Ch 1: Pg 21: The Color of Mana - Ch 1: Pg 20: Workout Clothes - Ch 1: Page 19: Italian Dinner - Ch 1: Pg 18: Celebration Time! - Ch 1: Pg 17: Reunion - Ch 1: Pg 16: Unmasked - Ch 1: Pg 15: Eddie's Test - Ch 1: Pg 14: Masked Woman - Ch 1: Pg 13: Portal Sphere - Ch 1: Pg 12: Family Dinner - Ch 1: Pg 11: The Kids Are Home - Ch 1: Pg 10: Mana Tapping - Ch 1: Pg 9: Up and At 'Em - Ch 1: Pg 8: Waking Up Again - Ch 1: Pg 7: You Wouldn't Like me When I'm Angry - Ch1: Pg6: Friend and Enemy - Ch1: Pg5: Meeting the Girlfriend - Ch 1: Pg4: First Day - Ch 1: Pg3: Get Ready! - Ch 1: Pg2: Magic Block - Ch1: Pg1: Some Background Chapter One Cover - Prologue #05: Story Time! - Prologue #04: Scar - Prologue #03: Remedial Class - Prologue #02: Assembly - Prologue #01: It's a Sign Prologue Cover Next Last Author notes Ch 5: Ph 12:The Blade of Thorn and Stone Sameth on July 28, 2023 Allison is 14, she should be able to have a knife capable of killing an emaciated elf! 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