
Author notes

Character Profile: Samantha Lucinia
Arcturus onIt's Samantha: Casual Garb, Hair++ Edition!
So yeah its kind of a cop-out that I'm doing filler stuff like this, but I'm having trouble with one of the later pages and I don't want to run out of buffer pages quite so quickly. I had wanted to do some character pages at some point, but I didn't really want to ruin the flow of reading the comic, so I'll probably upload this elsewhere later on, then overwrite it with the next page next week or something.
Still, we get some extra backstory, and we also get a name for our blonde chap. None of this stuff really spoils anything later on incidentally, although it does relate to events that happen, so you may end up thinking "oh that was in that profile page thingy" so look out for that.
Slightly dull transition page coming up after this, then next scene. Hooray!
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