
Author notes

Page 08
Arcturus onStill alive! Sorry about the slow update there, I've been getting sorted at University again, which to be fair is more important than drawing webcomics.
Here we are in the little shack not far from the site where the security guys goof off/sleep/etc. Just to clarify, the 'Iota Sector operation' stuff has no major relevance to the story here, its just a way to show Dalahan is somewhat of a rebellious character, and that he's at odds with the higher-ups and thus has been sent to do not-particularly-exciting guard duty. He is a higher rank than the rest of the guards though, so he's essentially acting as a leader. It also suggests that the bigwigs of the Talesca Faction are up to nefarious deeds involving the deaths of innocent people. This will come into play in the main comic.
There's a few tiny details on this page, which sadly the resizing and JPEGing has rendered invisible. Some of the things on the noticeboard actually say stuff, and there are specs of dust in the sunlight coming from the window. I'll upload a Flash version later on so you can zoom in on it. New panel border style too! The old way didn't quite separate the panels enough, I think.
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