Remnants of The Starmakers

2. Goom's Old Friends.

Author notes

2. Goom's Old Friends.


So at some point in time comic #2 was deleted. I just remade it. You're welcome.

Also I have no idea what sort of accent I have Goombino speaking.

So yeah backstory for where Goom has been. In my first sprite comic he was an 'author character' on the planet Zebeth. Turns out that on Mario's planet he found a Chozo Statue, which sent him to Zebeth and told him that he had to help one of their Kin remember who she really was. He ended up releasing the X Parasite on Zebeth by a sort of half accident, and caused the planet to be uninhabitable because of it. After the planet was evacuated, he asked Samus Aran to 'take him home,' after explaining to her that he was never really an author character, and was just doing what some weird birds told him to do. She kindly blasted him out of a torpedo tube towards his planet. That's how he got here.

That comic, Raiders of The Lost Mind, can be found here:


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