- 27: Regal
- Rnndd 26: Walk and Talk
- Rnndd 25: Interview Cont'd
- Sketch Day: Anoniana Jones and the Humongous world eating portal of Excruciating Painfulness
- Rnndd 24: Mollasses
- Rnndd 23: Slapshot
- The Further Adventures of Football Lars: A day at the hospital.
- Rnndd 22: Staredown... Staredown.
- Rnndd 21: Shwa.
- Rnndd 20: The Backstory Pt. 1
- FIlla: Geese
- Character Info: Percy
- Character Info: Knox
- Character Info: Noris
- Rnndd 19: "That Burnin' Man..."
- Filla: Nomar
- Rnndd 18: Visitors - Awkward Silence
- Rnndd 17: Visitors - Cawl (Cont'd)
- Rnndd 16: Visitors - Loomer
- Rnndd 15: Visitors - The Call
- Rnndd 14: Visitors - Signs...
- Rnndd 13: Visitors - Parasite
- Rnndd 12: A dream of Annelida Proportions
- FILLA: Another Explanation
- FILLA: Sad Guy
- Rnndd 11: Cop-out (Fade to white)
- Rnndd: 10th!!
- Rnndd 9: The Keeeeyyyy!!
- Rnndd 8: An intro, of course.
- FILLA: The Landscape
- Rnndd 7:
- Rnndd 6: Backity!
- Rnndd 5: Night of the living Numbskulls? Maybe.
- Rnndd 4: Hiatus?
- Rnndd 3: Prelude
- Rnndd 2: Explanation
- Rnndd 1: Distraction...
Author notes
I finished one o' them pesky updates, so I decided to celebrate. 2 more to go! EDIT: I forgot to add the fact that he's sitting on an Invisible Bed/Toilet; that should be fixed now.
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