Robin And The Chaos Curse

The Chaos Curse: #012

Author notes

The Chaos Curse: #012


You want an update?!!?! Here's your update!!!!!!!
*Throws it in your face*
jk. this is a lil short. But ima gonna work on the next page ina few minutes or so.

I DESPEREATLY NEED MORE CAMEOS. Namely for villians than heroes, but please dont stop sending heroes! I could really use them too.
So, send your sprites to, and here's the bio sheet.

What is your Character? Breed wise:
Things they love to do:
Goal in life (Searching for something, stopping a bad guy, you get it, ect.):
How on earth would they act around Robin? (He's annoying, sometimes a spaz, but is sweet alot of times, you get it, just read the freakin comic xD):
Favorite Food:
Past Story:

Fighting Class:
Weapon (Put N/A if none for all weapons):
Secondary Weapon:
Weapon Name:
Random Information (Optional)
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Dance:
Favorite T.V show:
Do you think there's a point to these here questions?:

SPRITES (A good place to host them is, imageshack. Just google image hosting and you'll find it. That's what I do anyways. Make sure your sprites are saved in png please!) Thanks so much!:


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