- ON VACATION #10 - Ginger Ain't So Bad!
- ON VACATION #9 - Hail the, uh, Chief. Or Whatever.
- ON VACATION #8 - Let's Move to California! Seriously!
- ON VACATION #7 - Revenge of the High Shool Shop Teacher
- ON VACATION #6 - Watch Your Mouth, Brad!
- ON VACATION #5 - Amber wa Hot desu, ne?
- ON VACATION #4 - You've Been Robo-Served!
- ON VACATION #3 - Self-Reprogramming? How Sinful!
- ON VACATION #2 - X3022 Wants a New Name, Fer Crying Out Loud!
- ON VACATION #1 - Fan Art from 'Drag Them Down'
- 115 - No, Really, The Winner Is...
- 114 - Capitalism, sometimes, sucks.
- 113 - And The Winner Is...
- 112 - Bad Time To Be A Redneck
- 111 - The Truth Shall Piss You Off
- 110 - How Could Ginger Not Win?
- 109 - All We Have to Fear is... Little Kids
- 108 - Kling Akhlami Buhfik
- 107 - Poor Baby Whatever
- 106 - Complete and Utter Crap. Er, uh... Loss!
- 105 - A Mother Knows His Cucumber. Usually.
- 104 - You Know How People Talk.
- 103 - Happy Mother Cucumber's Day!
- 102 - The Dirt of the Earth
- 101 - Forgiveness for Brad? Whaaaa?
- 100 - Surprise!
- 99 - Party Like It's 1999! Or, Perhaps, 1899! Would You Believe 1799?
- 98 - Shhh, the Robot Can Hear You. Maybe.
- 97 - The Shirt Makes the Man
- 96 - Burn, Baby, Burn!
- 95 - Happy Stinky Mayo Day!
- 94 - Brad Saves the Day! No One Ever Said That Before!
- 93 - Contrary to Common Belief, Fried Pickles are Not that Clever.
- 92 - Who's Afraid of a Little Fried Pickle?
- 91 - Fried Pickles for All! Yea!
- 90 - That's One Less Thing!
- 89 - Always Hold Out for the Big Bag!
- 88 - Awkward Moment of Misunderstanding...
- 87 - Oh Mr Franklin!
- 86 - Where's My Chinese?
- 85 - With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
- 84 - Nixon Lives!
- 83 - The Old "Letter From Santa Claus" Trick
- 82 - The Queen Giveth, The Queen Taketh Away!
- 81 - Ginger? Evil and Cute? What?
- 80 - Mayonnaise! How We Missed You!
- 79 - Humiliation is a Dish Best Served Room Temperature
- 78 - You, Me and Einstein Makes Three
- 77 - What Card Do You Buy For This One?
- 76 - Happy Cheap Candy Day!
- 75 - X3022 Forgets His Lines! Again!
- 74 - Those Wonderful Holiday Songs
- 73 - Irregard This!
- 72 - Hmmm Hmmm Good!
- 71 - $39.95 for What?
- 70 - Do Not Read 30 Minutes After Eating.
- 69 - You've Said That Already!
- 68 - Toaster 1 - X3022 0
- 67 - Our Hopes, Our Dreams, Our Fears and stuff
- 66 - You Gotta Fight, For Your Right...
- 65 - Spelling 101
- 64 - The Tale of David vs X3022
- 63 - Who's Fickle?
- 62 - We Are All So Sorry. Except Ginger. She's Not Really That Sorry.
- 61 - A Day That Will Live In, Uh... Something Or Another...
- 60 - Stop With The Bricks Already!
- 59 - Farm Animals - Good Clean Fun
- 58 - Wacko? Wacko!
- 57 - Two Young Lovers with Nothing Better to Do...
- 56 - Imagine that! If you don't have a damaged hard drive.
- 55 - Army Men #2 - Can't We All Just Get Along?
- 54 - Army Men #1 - ...and the fighting continues.
- 53 - WWED
- 52 - Feel the Love While You Can!
- 51 - Robot Chuck Want Banana!
- 50 - Color Blind, Color Bind
- 49 - Oh Robot Chuck, Won't You Come Home?
- 48 - Beetle Mania!
- 47 - No Night is a Good Night in the Beetle.
- 46 - Goodbye X3022! Goodbye!
- 45 - To Nuke or Not To Nuke...
- 44 - Be Yourself! Even if You're a Hair Dryer...
- 43 - Research Shows You Should Leave A Comment!
- 42 - Learn from Example...
- 41 - Stop and Listen
- 40 - Robots Rule, Dogs Drool
- 39 - Wanna know a...
- 38 - Kids and Their Big Mouths!
- 37 - Do the Best with What You Got!
- 36 - Up and Down, Up and Down
- 35 - The Truth Can Hurt
- 34 - You Have Been Warned
- 33 - Robots have feelings, too!
- 32 - Out of the Mouths of Babes
- 31 - Once You've Had TV, You Never Go Back!
- 30 - PSA 1 - TV BAD
- 29 - Name That Show!
- 28 - The Muppets Got Nothing On W
- 27 - The Truth Shall Set You Free
- 26 - Robot Chuck discovers the joy of...
- 25 - It's for his own good!
- 24 - Bring on the Boob Tube!
- 23 - Back in my day...
- 22 - Different Strokes for Different Robots
- 21 - Words O' Wisdom
- 20 - Some robots can't take constructive critism.
- 19 - Not yet an Olympic Sport?
- 18 - No Touching of the Cha-Cha's. Please.
- 17 - Redheads. Keep yer Distance.
- 16 - Out of the Mouths of Babes. Mean Babes.
- 15 - Just sad, really.
- 14 - The "W" Word
- 13 - Praying I don't get sued.
- 12 - There's a poet in all of us.
- 11 - Quality entertainment, people!
- 10 - Brad knows what's the what.
- 9 - Hello Amber!
- 8 - Be careful of what you wish for!
- 7 - What a literary robot.
- 6 - Playing with your own knobs is bad...
- 5 - To Play or Not To Play with your own knobs...
- 4 - Love me some of that oatmeal
- 3 - A robot named... Chuck?
- 2 - A robot by any other name...
- 1 - Happy You Know What!
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oh my
Joff at
jumpy tv's are cool
Marl at
I must admit, a jumpy TV would improve my comic by leaps and bounds. Cancel strip #4, Si - we're putting in a jumping TV! =D
Daf42 at
I could use a jumpy tv
AdHocFerox at
go for the eyes