Sabbat And Maina

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ch 1 pg 5
anninhell onSome explanations…she (Maina) has several strange habits, such as calling people 'villagers'. It's got something to do with her obsession with witches, but you'll find out more in time X3 Again, thanks for dropping by and all your comments are greatly appreciated =D
So anyway! I thought I might start sharing some stuff that I've picked up along the way. Sort of like mini-tutorials. They're certainly not the best of methods and I'm in no way a professional, but I think they work fairly well for me so I'd just like to share them with you guys =3 And so to kick it off…
Tip of the day:
I find that it's a pretty good habit to clean up your work after you're done! Unless you're going for a raw, gritty kind of look, that is. Check your lines and tones and try to make sure that there are as few lines/tones out of place as possible. The same goes for overlapping lines, un-toned spots, etc. The human eye picks up on minor details that don't register immediately to us, and details like sloppy lines and messy tones matter a fair bit, even though we don't notice them instantly =3
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