
Author notes

Secrets: page 11
Freakeh onEep late page! I went to my friend's photography exhibition and that restricted the hours I could work on Salimah during the day. She really is an amazing photographer, and locally well-known. I got one of her photos for free for helping out! =D it was of a lamb, it's so cute.
I liked how this page was when it pencilled… but inking ruined some details. I like the close-up of the eye though. It's such a shame my ability of people holds back what I can do with eyes…
@simonitro: Thanks, it's so much fun making up religions for other worlds! You don't necessarily believe in them yourself but making it make sense in a fantasy context is soooo fun! Hee, why would you've been a crocodile? x3
@Darkmax: Thank you! ^_^
@magicalmisfits: Gasp! You put yourself down four times in the same sentence!
@animegal: I was hoping it would!
@pv_chan: yaaay! I hadn't drawn Zotia since I started shading, so I was lokoing forward to it, then I realised just how much -black- the twins wore between them and was like ahhhhhhh!
@Luminous: It makes me wonder what a -real- person thoroughly believing in reincarnation (and by "thoroughly" I mean as in, knowing every detail of their belief) thought happened with rebirth in twins…
@Lance: Whee she wasn't totally forgotten in Z's ramblings! =D thank you! =D
@Frail: Basically =3 You know I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Harry Potter… because even though I didn't base the soul-split on Harry Potter (I based it on two other miscellaneous characters of mine, Ahn and Braedan, long story) Zelig and Zotia really -do- remind me of Harry and Voldemort… sharing dreams/thoughts and neither being able to kill the other… Only one person has mentioned it, but that's why Z didn't die alongside his mother and sister back in the flashback in the first chapter.
@Toshubi: Moreso two half-lives for the price of one =3
@Black Shimmer: Entertaining? Really? xD Isn't it so slow-paced that it bores you to death?
@I Hate Dirt: Thank you! ^__^
@Jashiku: Hee funny you should say that! That was going to be what -Miyoko-said in -this- page, in the first draft! She was going to be hyper going, "That is sooo cool!" and Z was going to yell at her and then go all emo while -he- said "I'm only half a person…" I think this way is better though =3
@Aereis: Yes it does suck… I'm glad somebody feels sorry for poor Z. ;-;
@sage: thanks!
@Rubygem: Thank you ^__^
@Quacklin: You have yet to convince me that that is true ;P Thank you though!
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