
Author notes

Chapter Five: Protector
Freakeh onbleh xB Hee it's funny to show a character who isn't actually *new* but only unnoticed. but again… bleh. xB Oh but by the time I next update, it will've been my birthday! (which is on Thursday)
I'm tired.
@pv_chan: thank you! =3
@Frail: indeed ;-;
xD He's so cool he can be prophetic -without- scars!
You make it sound like Z and Miyoko are in Aparj'zat on holiday x3 I am thankful to the Donovan for making them get out of that stupid inn though… I detest drawing the backgrounds for that xD
@Rubygem: yay it made a dramatic impact on you! yay!
@magical misfits: xDD
@animegal: They might have to actually, like, -fight- them now. Gah they're such slackers xD they waste chapters just talking xO
@Quacklin: Who'da thunk it? O= thank you very much X3
@Luminous: *Music sting*
Hee I was -trying- to draw a nose from the front but failed miserably. Z.'s expression looks weird. xD
@simonitro: No it doesn't until you remember they are evil mass-murders made of shadow! O:
Save time or come close to running -out- of time? dunn dunn durr… The characters would rather avoid them if possible xD
@Black Shimmer: xDD but you would've thought that, since Z. and Miyoko are running away -from- Donovan, that they would realise that They are -coming-. o= lyk omgz logic! Ahh I keep taking the mic out of my own comic today xD;
Haha -somebody's- seen The End of Ze World, right? X3 and, Really? An addiction? Yay my first! ^-^
@Aereis: He sorta did, in the way of hearing it be said but not wanted to hear -what-. If that makes sense O=
@eko: *asks* xD Roxas? Kindgom Hearts? wha? xD
Thank you! I get all hyped up when I see an individual character with the name Donovan, and I'm like "omgz how can you name an individual Donovon when I have used the same name for a species? >:O" but I'm sure they're like the opposite too xD
No you didn't sound stupid! and it's no problem, thank you for reading mine!
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