
Author notes

Protector: page 6
Freakeh onCrap! I uploaded the wrong page! I'm so embarrassed!
I also experimented a little with word-balloons on this one… It can look better, being contained to a panel, but I'm still going to use out-of-panel word bubbles where I feel it would look better.
Also, silverwings updated.
Copy-and-paste from first attempt:
For this page, I sorta merged two drafts together, and in the process forgot minor details like the order Alexia and Miyoko's hands moved to her cheek… So I don't like how it was drawn =) Oh! If you don't understand what on earth they're talking about, you're not -meant- to yet, so you'll have to wait. XD For the third panel… Well, I'll let you interpret that as you want to. It's not important. =3
@eko: She's Alexia, apparently xD You'll find out more… -eventually-… XD Lol why hit me? XD
@Rubygem: Yaaay I'm glad X3
@wind: Yay ^_^
@magick: XD Sometimes it's all you need…
@Glass: xD Oh wow the first comment that is even vaguely in that direction! Yay!
@magicalmisfits: Ha! X3 She doesn't seem the type of girl to me to -chase- people. She'll stalk you instead, 'kay? =3
@EmilytheStrange: Yay you can comment again! =D and thank you!~
@LowResAtari: In this case, good. =3 … OR IS IT?!
@animegal: xD Now -that's- melodramatic.
@Jashiku: I'm glad this story isn't totally predictable then x3
@pv_chan: On Miyoko, the wings are attached to the back-pack. Alexia's wings are real, though =3
@Frail: I missed you! =3 it's nice to see you back again~ 1. Amadi indeed! =D You know, you're -making- him my favourite character. xD Btw was it you who said Salimah had reached its 50th page to skoolmunkee? O= 2. Miyoko's peppiness amuses me too XD 3. This is true, the shadow wouldn't've stood out! I really regret rushing the first pages, it's just that I was so eager to -start-… Beh, now it results in -more- work later xD; 4. Yesh Alexia is from the cover! =3 She's moreso -quiet-, than nervous. She has a lot of sad memories.
@Zoe: Thank you, I'll try to! x3
@Luminous: The perspective is good? It is? Really?! Oh wow this is the first time then that I've actually been able to manage it xD
@Finwik: Thank you! =D And thank you for reading!
@Toshubi: XDD Teh battle of teh wing-span!
@dracco: x3 I hate it when you click the wrong button, as you can't edit anything afterwards! thanks though! =3
@Aereis: Ooooh an evil angel… Why didn't I think of that? Probably because I don't view -anything- as "evil" xD But that -would've- been more -dramatic-…
@Mika_yi: Hee don't worry, I managed to find your other comment! Thank you for -wanting- to re-read it x3 Hee my friend once had that effect, where she was looking for more pages which didn't exist! thank you for your support, it means so much to me~
@Twin: xD And here I thought it was the bunnies that were the best…
Thanks =3
@tanpal: Whaaaa, pregnancy?! That's a really scary concept! Who would be the father… O_O
@simonitro: Hee especially Miyoko, I would say =3
@Yurika: thank you! x3 take your time xD
@Black Shimmer: Who's the other character again? I'm sorry, I forgot xD;; About the fishnets; When I'm designing one character's outfit, I don't compare the characters, so I don't realise how much would be seen on one page at one time! But once you -add- fishnets, not much else matches with it -apart- from fishnets, so yea.. xD;
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