
Author notes

Protector: Page 11
Freakeh onStay tuned for a special Christmas update tomorrow!
Hee I quite like this page, apart from the third panel! I guess it's to balance out not liking yesterday's page. xD And what good timing! A chapter ending just before Christmas? Miraculous!
@simonitro: hee they've stayed in this town for a lot of -pages-, but timewise it's only been a night and a day =3
XD I guess I'm going to have to make this a comic that repeats the character's names in every dialogue! I keep forgetting that people don't -know- the characters like an author does.
@Jette: Gasp I'm so jealous! =D Pack warm clothes! XD
aww that's so sweet of you ~ But sometimes you can be -realistically- harsh about your own work. XD
@Yurika: Awww thank you so much X3' And I've never noticed that drastic a change in your style… You doing things in a different method, maybe, but you can always tell that -you- drew them. :3
@Rubygem: Yay group-hug! *Joins* And yea I -managed- 3 people but look, you can barely see Peter xD
@gaia: I seem to get those days more often than most. XD thank you~
@pv_chan: Yay I'm glad, the sheer amount of support is amazing! But at this rate it'll take longer to reply to comments than to do the page! O_O
@magick: Or not as alone as you'd think…
XD Hat-less! Oh dear what should they do?
@aniimegal: Omg you're actually speechless for once? XD surprise! thank you~
@Tantz Aerine: It's strange but when somebody compliments a particular page, I always get paranoid that future pages won't be as good as they're still using an old script xD;
And I -know- you're not using double-meanings there ;3 I get to read it tomorrow! Yaay!
@magicalmisfits: There is… movement… in the last panel? XD Yay!
@NigellaShade: Hee I don't think Peter was actually all that helpful, but hey, he tried to be and gave me an excuse to explain the science of Amara back in chapter 4 xD I cannot wait until I get to -draw- danger! *has never drawn fight/action scenes before*
I hope you enjoy your Christmas too! ^_^
@Luminous: XD I guess Peter is like me, I get close to people very quickly (unless they act awkwardly around me due to not knowing me.) But if they don't, I get very close very easily and I guess that rubbed off on Peter too! I'm glad the hat is awesome because I have NO idea what's going on with it. XD
@Black Shimmer: Yea the wings probably do, I've lost the knack of drawing how the "feathers" span out from the front! And characters will always begin to develop for themselves, so a "plan" can sometimes be restricting.
What, really? XD Z.? Hawt? I'm so proud XD
@Joff: Thank you! ^__^
@Jashiku: I am? ^-^ Ahh, for Z., only on close-ups.
@Twin: Omg, you're right, mood-swings! XD (His name was mentioned in the last panel XD Cork-Hat Guy is a cooler nickname though!) Merry Christmas to you too! =3
@Saryn: Strange like how? :3
@EmilytheStrange: Thank you =3
@Toshubi: Squeee omg thank you so much for the gift-comic! I don't want to be repeatitive and repeat everything in the PQ but it's amazing! Happy Holidays Toshubi~!
@Dockwocker: It's about time too! XD Really, you do? I don't know -what- I was thinking when I first drew the hat like that, but it's attracting quite a lot of comments anyway!
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