
Author notes

Metempsychosis: page 2
Freakeh onAhhh, the pre-fighting dialogue. It's just -necessary-, okay? XD And also to finally clarfify Them as being the black mist/swirly thing.
Sneer, indeed. I don't know if it's due to a slight change of drawing style (or reversion back to a better one), or if it's due to Z.'s hair covering half his face, but Z. was really fun to draw. XD
@animegal: Aww thank you! ^_^ I hope this year is great for you too!
@DRose: thank you, you too x3
Your character analysis is very accurate :3 She didn't mean for things to happen that way… And yay, you remembered her name! XD This surprises me because a lot of people forget due to me not making the characters say names aloud very often.
@LowResAtari: Meteors fall downwards, but it was indeed shooting across the sky abnormally =3 It was -supposed- to be the moon, but I fail at drawing it realisatically xD
@simonitro: Thanks, you too! ^_^
Thank you!! I've started to try to think in-depth about the background, like; "Okay, that is there. But what's -behind- that? What can you see -past- that?"… but all that happened is the drawing of more trees xD
You sensed correctly! =3
@Nigellashade: You… -like-… -my- backgrounds? xD But I totally suck at them! For me I just pressurise myself to include them for the sake of filling space, rather than them actually being a -background-. I cannot believe that you like them particularly. XD
I'm glad you liked the chapter cover~ and that the focus was successfully on the blood. I hope you have a great year too! =3
@Peipei: =D thank you! The past pages really suck though, I need to redo them, but hey; at least through consisently drawing the comic (even though it was crap at first) developed ability -to- redraw them right?
@EmilytheStrange: Awww thank you! X3
@Rubygem: You remember in the Secrets chapter, Z. said his dreams were Zotia's memories (or words to that effect)? He will have a dream regarding Peter soon =3 Well… I say soon. In a few chapters x.x Even though it seems a lot of -pages-, not that much -time- will pass between Peter's threatening and the beginning of two chapters from now. I hope you don't mind having to wait that long until you know what happens to him xD;
@stardust: aww thank you X3
@Luminous: The silhouette is a new character I haven't introduced yet =3 I know, I know, it's really annoying when there's strangers on a cover and it's like "Wha?! Who're they?!" but I couldn't resist anyway. xD; sorry.
Aww thank you about the eye-close-ups x3 They give me a chance to use different styles, or the same style in a different way which I really like to do. :3 Happy New Year to you too X3
@Frail: xD Zotia's a bad-ass protagonist with minions now. He rarely shows in person >3 But both the Donovan and the moon appearing is due to Zotia, which is why Z. said his name… while glaring. =D
Ah nuuu not my eye-drawing skillz! I've been drawing eyes for much longer than I have people, so they'd -better- be better. xD
Happy new year to you too! ^_^ *hugglesback* x3
@Jashiku: 'Tis the same thing from Transcience: page 2; the "They". hopefully who They are is clarified on this page. xD It was supposed to be said on the third panel rather than the fourth, so there wasn't a tail to the word balloon, but it was Miyoko who said it :3 though who was saying it wasn't important, as long as it -was- said xD
@Tantz Aerine: It's strange, but everytime you -compliment- my work, I get paranoid about the next page being really bad, as most pages now are from an old script and therefore old composistion. xD Thank you, your liking it really means a lot to me. X3
@magicalmisfits: XDD It's funny you say that because Zotia often gets teased for his name (by other characters) because it's not -usually- a boy's name. =P
@herio: thank you! X3
@Dragonzilla: No, they're not a couple… at least, not -yet-. :3 Or, at the moment. xD Thank you x3
@Jenshin: It's okay, I'm honoured if you read it at all! =D And you're right, they've lived 14 years escaping detection from the Donovan… it's about time they got confronted. xD
@18903: thank you =3
@Krensenda: XD As soon as you said that, my line control started getting worse =P Thank you XD
@Adariel: Awww thank you, I hope this year is good for you =3
@JillyFoo: XD Now -that- would be hilarious.
@Black Shimmer: Omg XDD that would be so funny. Can I use that idea for an April Fools page or something? xD thank you for liking the eye, it was -so- much fun to draw =D
@marine: Thank you! =3
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