
Author notes

Metempsychosis: page 4
Freakeh onGuess what? I don't like this page either. Dx I just wanted to clear up, if anybody was wondering about the continuity of the emblem on Z.'s sword; it's only on one side of the sword, so it's not always in view. Gaah i'm glad this page is just -over- though, the sound-effects take SO long to edit with Paint… I was looking forward to this chapter for ages, and when I finally get to do it, I screw it up? I suck Ox
My style of drawing is changing. Not what it looks like, but moreso -how- I draw. My pencilling is become sketchier and with less detail, making it harder and more annoying to ink. I don't know why that is, but it's really bothering me.
Anyway. Responses:
@Rubygem: XD I hold onto pillows when I get engrossed with something! thank you for thinking it dramatic~ that means so much to me X3
@DRose: Z.'s logic is though, that if -he- runs away, there'll be less of a chance that Miyoko is able to. XD
@Jashiku: Not -my- battle scenes! Heehee, he is? XD you're making him blush! =P
@Nigellashade: I'm really glad that you got from the page that They prioritised Miyoko ^-^ it's because of what she could be… =P And yes, Z. is very heroic… :3 Gasp I cannot wait until you see chapter 8 or 9 (I haven't placed the page -exactly- yet) where Z. does something even more heroic… it's so sweet! Thank you for noticing the different styles of shading depending on the material! =3
@magick: XD I lolled at "beautiful fool!" xD And it's funny that you should say about tapping into a mystical energy, actually…
@Frail: Wouldn't you be surprised if he -was- killed off now? XD Not in -this- book, anyway…
@Black Shimmer: -Every- time I read your comment, I laugh. XD Zelig? A sexy badass?! XD We'll both just have to see if they make out before he dies though, the characters have a life of their own and stray from the original storyline so maybe…
Yea the poses -are- stiff, and that was with me -attempting- to reference my own arm/hand movements as well. xD; It's like… I get the pose I want to use in my head, but utterly fail at -drawing- it. Salimah as a movie you say… *ponders*
Omg I'm so tempted to draw a chicken wing hovering before Miyoko now D:
@Toshubi: As the Donovan revealed today, they don't really have eyes, only sockets. =3 But they do indeed have tired-looking eye-sockets… XD
@pv_chan: and now the next update is here, i fear it was hardly worth waiting for. xD;
@JillyFoo: Ah! I see what you mean about the Yura resemblance now! XD; Unforunately Miyoko is unable to fly, her wings belonging to her back rather than her body, but as to sniping them down…
@simonitro: If the axe -had- hit, I see it as more of a splitting-her-skull-in-half rather than decapitation. :3 But decapitation is easier to say XD You haven't seen it yet but the other They that are there are cowards… but even if they weren't, Z. is a higer-ranking swordsman than he gives himself credit for… More on that when Z. and Miyoko get nearer Achlys!
@eko: I didn't realise how often she -did- run off on her own until you said about it. XD This time though it's because she'd have a better chance of safety if he held Them off!
Yay Coke! XDD
@Dragonzilla: With your comment you inspired a slight re-write of the chapter… Not changing the storyline, but the adding of an exra page to include more information that I hadn't thought about before. ;3 The page you influenced will be tomorrow's update, actually!
@MrGranger: It'd be awesome if she -could-, but… XD
@Finwik: Very nearly XD You've been very kind to me too! =3 thank you for all of your support~
@Rev_Danno: I think I only have one drawing of concept art per character per outfit… I sort of rushed into the production of Salimah without really working enough on it beforehand, so no I don't have any character guides =P It looks cleaner as I changed my daily schedule to use a better scanner, my dad's one -sucks- XD I don't have any models though, apart from the occasional looking at how my hands are positioned (but yet I -still- can't capture the pose, even with references…)
@Jenshin: XD Umm… The armpit is as equally as strong as the arm? No I know i suck at poses, I just can never get them to look the way I want to no matter how hard I try XD Usually the characters -don't- just run away, so maybe Miyoko has something else in mind…
@Dockworker: Aww thank you, the third panel was such fun to draw! ^_^ Nah she can't fire from the -air-, unless she is more unrealistically talented at jumping high into the air than I realised. xD
@I Hate Dirt: Thank you! =3
@Krensada: Thank you so much! ^_^
@Lance: Three days before you saw it XD Yay for actiony goodness! All characters in everything tend to be "poor" though if you think deeply enough about the reason. :3
@taintedwords: No, thank -you- for taking the time to look at my comic, it means a lot to me that you would do that. And of course I care, even if I'm just a random person on the other side of the internet I can't know something -without- caring… that would be callous of me O:
@jxknight: Thank you! ^_^ I love your avatar by the way! =3
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