
Author notes

Metempsychosis: page 5
Freakeh onFirstly I want to thank Dragonzilla for making me think about detail I hadn't considered before… Because of that, I edited the chapter to include more information, resulting in an extra page! So thanks go to Dragonzilla for this page. ^_^
I'm slightly happier about this page than the last two… even though I messed up the last panel so bad, I wanted to re-draw it, but scanning in two pages for one update would've just wasted precious time. Them Donovan have mad horror-movie skillz, yo. Consisting of shadow, they can change their form at will. More on that later.
I also found a short-cut when it came to editting the sound effects, so I'm happy.
cameron11691: Thank you so much for reading! =3
@Tantz: You're not unforgivable, because I forgive you. XD
Yesh Z. is panicking at the moment; not due to thinking he'll never be able to take the Donovan if they were all fighting -him-, but moreso when it comes to -preventing- them going after -Miyoko-. As you can see, he failed to stop the other four… but even slowing down one will have a subtle impact on the outcome…
Thank you! It was the first time I've tried to do the "flash as characters realise something" and it looked horrible and uneven but hopefully it'll improve. xD As for how badly Z. gets hurt… well… only to the extent of his injuries on the chapter cover. :3
The Donovan do not see as humans do. They don't see the physical things due to light reflection… it's more like when Themya can see an aura around a person. They do not need their eyes for that, only that which causes their sockets to glow blue. =P
I'm glad you find it so exciting! XD
@Rubygem: No, -not- yay for sound-effects! XD I knew -somebody- would say "Roll for your life!" XD
@LowResAtari: Why thank you. :3
@Twin: XD Thank you~ I don't know what it reminds me of either.
@Jashiku: It's well-drawn?? Really?! XD That makes me so happy. n_n I'm glad everyone finds the knife-through-the-eye so scary, even if they're scared, it's still a good thing… somehow… XD
@Joff: The Donovan doesn't seem to be a phased by it. (:
@Black Shimmer: XD Oh my. I want to make a comment on how scary that sounds, but I can't find an adequate comparison to emphasize it…
If I ever need to do a bonus splash page, it shall be him as a biker, just for you. XD
See you did it -again- XD Laughing as soon as you hit enter, before we read it? That just seems so animated I can't help but find it funny. X3
Ooh if his eyes didn't look blank I wonder what it was that replaced the blankness? Yea the pupils are usually used for hate, but I thought they worked here too. :3
@Glass: Thank you! XD
@animegal: As long as I will myself really hard to draw as if the drawing is going to be completed in pencil rather than being gone over it ink, then the mess of pencil is slightly easier to understand. :3
Or rather… up his trouser/pants leg. XD
@pv_chan: Aww thank you~
@magicalmisifts: That reminds me of the times in cartoons when somebody keeps repeatedly landing on a thorn bush…
@Dragonzilla: ~You influenced this page!!~
Big trouble like now? =D
@eko: XD You are my most enthusiasic reader! I thank you for that. Miyoko must learn to not go off by herself! Bad things -always- happen when people get split up… Now I wanna drink Coke. XD
I hope you're right about the drawing slump!
@JillyFoo: It was meant to be the Donovan (no-eyes guy) was saying that it was pointless for a dagger to be thrown at his eyes when he didn't have any. The "what the hell are you waiting for?!" guy (Z.) was talking to Miyoko, the girl, when he said that, rather than to the Donovan. :3; It doesn't make much sense to the reader maybe, but it did to the Donovan and that's what the Donovan said so…
@simonitro: Z. has battle intuition! Is it really the most wicked thing you saw all week?! =D Yay! *Proud* But unfortunately, the Donovan used that to his advantage… Z. didn't account for it not hurting Them. XD
@Nigellashade: I didn't realise until I read your comment about the symbols on their items! I didn't realise that Z.'s sword had the emblem of Dasan whereas the Donovan's armour had the emblem of Zotia… that makes it seem much more like a -war-, and I didn't even conciously do that… And the cracks were fun to draw, I just went crazy with them. XD I hope you have a great week too~
@Toshubi: XDD His mother must be so proud?
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