
Author notes

Metempsychosis: page 6
Freakeh on~This page is thanks to Dragonzilla's input too~
(And I lied, I said that because of Dragonzilla there was going to be one extra page to this chapter; it's actually going to be two.)
I must admit I like how the Donovan came out in the first panel… but not how Miyoko looks there. She looks such a spazz Ox She was really fun to draw in the second panel, though =3
Cue a music sting as the Donovan advances on Z.. Yeah.
Also, sorry if I haven't got around to commenting on your comics yet. I had to have a few days on my own whilst I was feeling down… and in just a few days, -so many- comics have updated and I'm just trying to catch up with all of them. So I -will- get to yours… but eventually… I'm sorry ^^;
@Tantz: X3 The enthusiasm! The exclamation marks! Your comment made me very happy. x3 And yesh, I like switching between characters on the same page a lot. =3 It still hasn't come to Z. escaping the Donovan yet as not enough time has elapsed since the last page, but I think the resolution to the situation will make you see the characters in a different way. (:
@Glass: Miyoko's wings are only on her bag, rather than growing out of her. Up until she changed outfits in the Secrets chapter, she didn't have wings at all, like you can see in the first three chapters. :3 However, even if she -could- fly, she wouldn't be able to -move- any faster than the Donovan and they can move in the air as well. :3
@animegal: Maybe it -would've- done, were it not for their horror-movie -weaknesses- as well ;D
@Joff: Thank you! and yes, Miyoko is XD Luckily, the moon is shining. What has that got to do with anything, you say?! You'll have to wait and see.
@pv_chan: XD Yea I know, the fact Salimah updates so close together makes them feel like weekly -installments- rather than continuous updates. However the pages just seem to go so well together, two at a time… and making people wait a week is more climatic, I hope. XD
@Rubygem: With Their armour, I think it'd hurt Miyoko's foot more than Them. (;
@Jashiku: Yay! I can be really morbid when I want to be, so I'd love to do a Horror comic… Salimah just does not allow me to express that. XD But I'm gonna focus on one thing at a time.
Thank you, and it seems she is not quite cornered anymore =P Though, ll I really wanted to do on this page was show off the Donovan's powers XD everything else was for easy transition for tomorrow's page.
@Nigellashade: They won't stop while they still -can- obtain it, anyway… And yea, they are more adept in battle than Miyoko and are driven by stronger motives to win than she is as well :3
thank you~ Both for wishing me a good week and saying it's the type of thing to make your heart race. I hope you have a good weekend~
@kyupol: thank you!!
@Black Shimmer: XD I don't think Z. would suit goofy smiles. And I still don't see this "detail" people keep mentioning… All I see, is me randomly scribbling and calling it the grass/ground/sea/tree. XD Thank you~
Oh, and I'm sorry I'm being so slow to finish Tovah x_x I've been busy with work, but now that my placement is finished, I should have more time to work on it x-x so it won't be long now~ i'm really sorry though ;-;
@Twin: Wow, thank you! And I'm so grateful that you'd value my opinion x3
@simonitro: Eww Superman, that whore. o: Thank you =3 I really hope I get better at drawing action soon, as it'll feature throughout the book and I can't do it XD
@DRose: XD Yesh.
@Eko: Yay I helped towards the completion of your life XDD
if he's killed off "this early"? so, you -would- forgive me if he was killed later on? (:
As long as it's not -Diet- Coke!!
@Luminous: if you notice, some things -already- relate to the cover page. :3 Such as the moon being out, Z.'s sword being stuck in the ground…
It's okay about the not commenting, I'm late to comment on your comic too ;-; Thank you about Z.'s roll, I'm actually really proud of that! The Donovan doesn't seem as fazed as the readers about he knife, though. XD
@Adariel: Thank you~!!
@cameron: thanks! =3
@Dragonzilla: Oh trust me you did a -lot-. I'm also creditting you with tomorrow's page as well, which I think will really help us understand more about Miyoko. You influenced the editting of one page and the creation of another two! I think you've done a helluva lot!
And, the Donovan don't need their eyes to see as the -way- they see isn't dependant on eyes. They -do- sense the surroundings, in a way, but it -is- still visual than physical. Anything that lives radiates an aura, and so They can sense the aura of people, plantlife, etc and inanimate things such as houses are outlined -against- the auras of living organisms.
@subcultured: Awww thank you, I'm glad you think so! ^_^
@LowResAtari: No… have you? With the person behind you suddenly appearing in front? xD
@Toshubi: That can be taken in one of two ways, and I'm unsure of which one you intended. xD; But they are indeed dead, well done (=
@Brokenhill: Even if you can't remember the name of the anime, I'd be interested in what it is that makes them similar. XD Thank you for thinking the story is evolving, I really hope it is. I think I'm including too many realistic touches, like although they -would've- stayed at the inn it wouldn't be -neccessary- to include that… but then important pivotting points would never have been brought up… so… I am so confused right now. XD I hope the pace stays fast and the story relevant, though. XD Thank you for reading~
@Saryn: I'm glad you asked =3 When the page shifted to Miyoko, it continued off where Z. left it, without going back in time to when Miyoko first started running away. Hence you didn't see what happened during the time Z. was fighting, hence you didn't see Miyoko hurriedly stuff them back into her bag as it was preventing her from being stream-lined whilst running. xD; (Yesh her bow -can- fit in her bag, it can bend in half and is supported by strong bowstring) You'll see more on that tomorrow. I'm glad you brought it up XD
@herio: Thank you =3
@Frail: 1. Bwahaha but Z. -didn't- flee, did he? Haha, I rhymed too XD It's just so easy with a name like Z.. I did it again! XD
2. Would it be as effective if thigns -didn't- look bleak? :3 And yea, you're right. XD Very much unscathed, in the end. XD
@JillyFoo: XDD Skirts made of armour, at least? I'm still gonna call them long tunics though XD
@jxknight: Oh wow, thank you for bothering to read the archives!! That means so much to me that you would even want to x3
@Rydel6: Thank you so much! =3
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