
Author notes

Metempsychosis: page 7
Freakeh onThis is the last of the Dragonzilla-influenced pages X3 Again, a big thank you, and I'm going to credit you whether you think you deserve it or not =P
Originally I was going to do sound-effects on this page… but they didn't seem to fit with the mood, it seemed more of a silent page to me. This page reminds me of the lyrics from Coldplay's song Yellow; "Look at the stars, look how they shine for you." For indeed they were not shining until Miyoko went all aura-like. I'll leave you to think about -why-.
@Oren: yay you commented X3~ Actually I was really hesitant about whether I should add the "O_O" or not XD I was like… Undo. Redo. Undo. Redo. Trying to find out XD so yea it's a good thing it's there right? XD
@Frail: Yea she is XD When she lived in Dasan's castle, the only way she could escape from her life there was through training herself with archery and running, for the adrenaline and just so she could get out of the castle – even if it meant getting into a lot of trouble later. So she is fast =3
Aww thank you about the panels, I still don't like the "roll" in the first panel though XD
*huggleback* ^-^
@animegal: XDD Yay laughter!
@Dragonzilla: What was it that gave you the idea she was going to shoot them? XD About the tracking: The Donovan are under the control of -Zotia-. On Secrets: page 10 Z. explains about being able to see his brother's memories in his dreams. Let's just say it works both ways…
@Rubygem: XDD You'd rather -David- be in the situation of potential death rather than a trained and highly-ranked knight? Profession aside, you'd -let- David -die- in order for Z. not to? XD Aww how kind? XD
@simonitro: XDD It'd be so cool if Billy magically distorted the comic to suddenly be in it. But he has to protect Tanya from falling off chairs! XDD Whoop -my- ass though? Why mine? XD Thank you for thinking Miyoko cute~
-^-^- Well he is!
@Tantz: You'll have to wait until next week to see if you were right XD Omg I can't wait until next Saturday's page, another thing from the chapter cover comes true.
I was -waiting- for somebody to comment on the Donovan's power! XDD Thank you for noticing! And it is fun to draw Miyoko's hair flying about, and much easier than trying to make her bangs look even when they are still. XD
@magicalmisfits: Yay XD
@Black Shimmer: Thanks~ I'm still sorry though XD I'm really looking forward to finishing it.
I can't imagine Miyoko throwing a punch, come to think of it. X3 As for going in for the kill… hmm… She wouldn't go in with the intent to kill, only defend against and if they end up dying then oh noes but oh well. O:
Really? XDD Thank you! I didn't know whether to put the "O_O" in or not, but then I reasoned you can't -see- her face but that -would- be her expression so why not XDD
@eko: Yay!
What if, hypothetically, the only way for Z. to be -in- the comic still was if he -did- die? XD Would you hate me for his dying in that case? XD
Eww Diet Coke causes cancer as well O_O
aww poor person ;-; I hope you get more Coke soon! And thank you for telling me about Hallelujah! I can't wait to see more! X3
@Jashiku: Yay!! Horror comic! XD I make a lot of horror films in my head, but in the format as if they -were- already feature films. I could make one of those a comic, it would be so cool X3
Hurray for dodging! XD The shadow the punch was enveloped in would've seriously burnt away her skin if it -had- hit her.
@Brokenhill: thank you! x3 glad you think so~!
@pv_chan: Mine too XD thank you~
@jxknight: Aww thank you you're so kind ^_^
Yay! Though it wasn't my best XD;
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