
Author notes

Metempsychosis: page 8
Freakeh onAs I was uploading this, AFTER spending half an hour writing the Author's Notes, my computer suddenly started to crash… My heart literally stopped beating at the thought of losing everything until, to my relief, it worked again… I don't know -why- I just felt the need to say that xP
But: To clarify the "Wait for it…" thing, Z. -did- have a plan about how to get away from the Donovan on his own. He would've resorted to that, and began to, but Miyoko intervened. He just needed the Donovan to focus on his -own- actions, rather than on Z.'s, first. :3 As it was, the impact (more than the hurt) of getting hit in the head by an arrow made the Donovan jerk, cutting Z's face as he did so.
And thus the chapter-cover-prophecy of Z.'s face getting cut is realized. The scanning took away the colour of the blood as he gets cut though… Oh, and has anyone noticed that Miyoko's eyes are slightly different in this state? Speaking of eyes… this page proves, I think, that the Donovan don't have eyes; just empty sockets. XD
Gahh… Just when I got caught up on all the comics in My Favourites, I fall behind again due to emotional slumps. I'm so sorry everybody ;-; I'll get caught up in the next few days… This page was so close to being -so- late, that it wouldn't've been uploaded at all… But I persevered against circumstance, and now I am tired and will go to bed as soon as this page is up, I think. XD
@magicalmisfits: How did you know? XD
@Rubygem: Heehee, thank you! I still need to get better at drawing moons… They are something that are really easy to create with computer colouring or filters, but lesso traditionally. I'm glad you liked her pose!
@Tantz: Yay you picked up that she drew strength from the moon. x3 (She -did- hint at it on Protector: page 3 =P) It's complicated to convey, as her manipulation of energy involves a lot of hand gestures as she channels it, and it's very easy to be like… "Whaaa?" when you can't see the -movement-.
@pv_chan: Thank you! X3
@LowResAtari: Lol! It -is- small anyway, being a custom short-bow specifically made for certain attributes a longer bow wouldn't allow for, but the perspective on it doesn't help, either. =P
@Brokenhill: XDD No, not a witch.
Miyoko can draw power from anything that emits energy. :3 The moon is just particularly strong.
@Rydel: Aww thank you x3 It doesn't look like much, but it took quite a long time due to the amount of shading making up for the lack of detail xD;
@Dragonzilla: You're Psychic, seriouslly? =3 Alongside your Psychic abilities, her being an archer must help, too. X3 And Zotia also has the power to control the moon… it's sort of a battle between the two to control the balance, as Zotia forgot that the moon would power Miyoko as well as his Donovan. :3
@Black Shimmer: X3 The love would not effect the eyeless menace whilst he still has a higher purpose =P
Yes!! She is in a trance, yay! X3 Someone noticed the difference! I'm glad you like her pose =3 Though having to listen to VH1 would torture me moreso than calm me XD
That sounds much more effective and moon-like than a badly-drawn circle with darker ovals on it =P
@simonitro: HURRAY! XD
I don't think it would work… As it would only be an exterior attack, without causing a flesh wound or damaging them on the inside, the Donovan wouldn't be phased by a physical attack. You'll see why on tomorrow's page, or at least learn more about it.
@EmilyTheStrange: Hee it's okay! Great to see you again! ^_^ Glad you liked the page X3
@eko: Like, most people don't like character deaths as they think they'll never get to see them again. =3 What if, due to the storyline, it wouldn't include him if he was alive… but circumstance only allowed him to be included in the story through his death?
Yea it is T_T
Hurray Coke!! Hurray Hallelujah!! Hurray!!!
@Frail: Yay for you noticing about the frame-breaking x3 Miyoko tends to do that quite often, to varying degrees. Awww thank you~
I didn't think things through as such, but every character comes with their own backstory. =P It's just the way it is, I have no control over what happens XD And that happened to be (part of) hers. X3 I really wanna flashback to it, but I don't know when that will be.
@animegal: I hope you don't mean in the way that Cupid is a boy. XD
@Twin: Lol! Thank you? XD
@Jashiku: If I made a horror comic, I think it would be based on the lives of my miscellaneous characters. It involves a lot of brutal murder, brutal murder-ing-, and in one character's case getting her arms cut off as she hugged the one she loved. And horror is great, comedy is great, but they suck when mixed together XD
Not so much burn, like as in fire… Moreso the darkness corrodes the skin. It's hard to explain, but the intensity of the aura would've had a physical effect on the body. XD;
aww thank you!
@magick: XD Not cliche at all, it made me laugh x3
@kyupol: thank you!! =3
@Nigellashade: yay I'm glad I managed to convey that it -was- her accessing her bow. For about half an hour before actually -drawing- I was just staring at the page, going, "How am I goina to draw this?!" so I'm glad it came out okay XD
@Oren: Heehee, or what I -hope- is some cool stuffs. I annoy my friends at school by continuously going on about it. XDD The only spoiler my most avid reader seemed to be phased by is the subject of that poem in my journal, though… She didn't care about Miyoko's-energy-related stuff XD or Z's scarring from getting cut in this page.
@dracco: Aww thank you X3~
@Yurika: YAAAAY! *celebrations your still living* XD thank you!!
@DRose: She doesn't like -fighting-, but she does all she can to -defend-. :3
@insanelysane: XDD wow, thank you!!
@Adariel: thanks! =3
@Glass: awww that's so nice of you x3
@Aereis: I shall try to! XD Wish me luck!
@Luminous: Heh, I had to pose with my own hands to get a reference for the drawing… they were just too hard to draw freestyle. XDD It was very difficult when it came to drawing my right hand… I had to draw an illegible blob with my left hand, so I could get the vague shape, and fix it the best I could with my right hand but in doing so lost my reference. XD;
Yay for you noticing the connection! To be honest, I couldn't think of any other way to draw it x3;
@I Hate Dirt: Thanks! X3
@JoeyOtaka: X3 Congratulations! Your comic is really good, it just needs for more people to -know- about it and then it'll be really popular, I know it! ^_^
@evanneo: hee, when I first started drawing my faces come out round due to mistakes and lack of ability. Now that my style has changed to incorporate naturally-longer faces… when I -attempt- to draw round faces, they literally look like they're going to die of obesity any second now. I just can't do them on purpose. XD Miyoko -is- naturally really thin anyways, and I want my drawing ability to begin to reflect that, rather than making her look less-thin than she is.
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