
Metempsychosis: page 9

Author notes

Metempsychosis: page 9


Eeeh… I sorta rushed this page. I'm too tired to like it xP oh noes deary me this page has fallen into the trap of cliches! It's not as simple as darkness versus light, and there's no underlying theme of that (even if it seems so sometimes) but they -are- opposing elements so yea… And "holiness" sounded even worse.
But I flicked through the whole of my archives, and even though I don't like the first few chapters and want to redo them completely at some point, I felt there was enough hints in it to make sense, if only somebody would remember all of them and piece them together before the passage of time made them forget. So I don't like it, but I'm happy with it. Happy -enough-.

gah i just keep getting further and further behind on comics, without catching up at all x-x i'm sorry that i haven't been on DD much recently. maybe i'll feel more energetic during the week, or at least less brain-dead.


@Tantz: Hee, I'm glad it was coherent. =3 And you're right, she doesn't like the thought of violence but will (albeit inadvertantly) kill in the name of the greater good… this is not quite the case for Z.. xD

And hopefully, by the time we get to that point, I'll be good enough to -draw- his moves XD

@Joff: That's classy? XD

@Rubygem: Once is enough (:

@Black Shimmer: Heehee, I've never drawn an explosion before. XD My spastic rendition of one would take away all the coolness of the effect itself.

I have NO idea what you're on about, but I thank you, I think. (: Soap opera moment? xD;

That raises the interesting point of how sad Lord Voldemort must be, getting his butt whooped by a kid though XD Awww so emo. I knew the "*hiss*" might be interpreted as coming from the Donovan, but I had to risk it in order to lead up to this page =3

@Darkmax: -Day's- worth of shading? *bursts out laughing* Ahahahaha XD Shading doesn't take me very long at all, about 15 minutes per panel, because I never bother to include toning. xP I should do, really, but… How can you call this comic stunning, have you seen how The Devilfish Project looks? XD

@EmilyTheStrange: Aww thank you x3 Z. was fun to draw in that panel, even though he was getting hurt.

@Toshubi: …Eww. XD I like that idea. But as you will see (next week?), that wouldn't've worked =3

@Jashiku: I never saw that as -having- the horror element though, only the comedy, but yesh it -is- hillarious xD

Apparently so! XD

Yesh, he did, but he was aiming to slice his neck open so a fleshwound on Z.'s cheek is really best-case scenario. )=

@Brokenhill: You can duck down while something is -coming- at you, but once it -has- -hit- you, you reel back from the force of impact XD aww thank you =3

@LowResAtari: He wasn't alive to begin with =D Well. To -begin- with. But he died before the battle. That Donovan is actually very important to one of the characters, even if he's not around as a character for very much.

@Frail: Organised? XD I usually end up changing what I'm going to draw literally right before I draw it. but thank you XD

and lo and behold! Z.'s hand is creeping towards his sword XDD

I can't work out whether you mean the panel where the Donovan is glaring at Miyoko, or where the Donovan is getting hit, because of the two-panels-in-one as the weapons are fwooshing through the air XD;

@eko: Cute, really? x3 aww!

Hurray! I really wanna go see it, but I'm too tired now ;-; I'll look at Hallelujah tomorrow! (Or the day after…) As soon as I can!! Yes!!

Thank you so much ^-^ What aspects of it -are- more advanced, though? i'm curious so I can mantain that.

@animegal: or could make it more melo-dramatic x3 Thank you X3~

@insanelysane: But I just draw a few dots and call it an expression. XD The Donovan still has a few tricks up his baggy sleeves… he's very determined to do what he came there to do. (:

aww thank you so much for your concern ;-; I hope I will too!

@simonitro: XDD But not for long.

He -could- chase her… or his arrogance could deny the fact he even got hurt, making him only just realize it. XD Oh if only I could remember what happened next… I sure I used to know the entirity of the story off by heart, but now I'm forgetting unless I look at the script… I need to sleep…

@Oren: Yesh it is x3 For me though, people don't tend to care like I do. XD I sit there going, "OMG! Z.'s gonna get scarred! The Donovan's gonna cut his face open tomorrow! (was Friday when I was saying this)" and people are just like, "Stacie… shut up." and I'm like, "Neva! Ox"

of course, Zotia has formed their physical manifestations XD

thanks, I didn't even think of doing that before I was physically drawing it o_o


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  • Frail at

    The Donovan be *served*. ^^ I loves Miyoko so much.

    They're both nice pannels. *nod nod* To be clearing things up, I was counting the two-in-one pannel as two pannels. ^^;;; I be weird like that.

    XD A nervous Donovan? I've seen everything.

    Geh, btw, apologies for missing so many updates. *huggles* I dinna mean to…

  • subcultured at


  • dracco at

    Great job on this page, tough the last panel is a little bit confusing.. nothing serious, just a thought! The page is gorgeous anyway!

  • cameron11691 at

    >.< ouch. I felt that arrow lol. awesome job!

  • JillyFoo at


  • Dragonzilla at

    I like that ya can see the arrow through the eye sockets, and who knows, maybe some damage can be done by them.

  • JoeyOtaka at

    lol thank you ^^ yeah..eeheeh. ^^; i didnt mean to make them look so diffrent or whatever -.-;;


  • Jenshin at

    Aaah! But usually it's the light that overcomes darkness.. if that's not the case - what's gonna happen!!

  • Nigellashade at

    I like how you captured her holy energy within her weapons range.
    The dark warriors looked a bit shocked at the attack, I see a sweat drop..So they do have side personality.

    I Love how you humanized these characters, even those there like puppet for a greater scheme.

    Awesome page graphics and good dialogue.

    Angel hugs to you Freakeh, and I hope your week is looking bright..

    ~M~ v~~~~v

  • gggggggghhhhhhhh55 at

    Come to the darkside Miyoko…come…we have chips, cookies, and punch. XD Gawd, as soon as I read the dark and light part..I immediately thought of Star Wars. o.o

    Very nice dialogue. Has me glued to my screen. You've some really nice quotes thrown in there. When Miyoko talks here, she's so calm yet sad. I love imagining what her voice would sound like while reading this. Would probably sound very soft…:3

    Miyoko's expressions are just as fantastic as ever. I believe you're getting better at them, looking at the previous pages. Her eyes look more detailed, which adds to that cute, sad look she has. And I also see you added the line over the eye. Nice touch…that I do all-too-often. X3 The black-out shadow over eyeless guy's face is pretty sppoky. I see it in anime a lot…still awesome though.

    And once more…that guy's hissing just cracks me up. Not that it ruins the moment…but it's still funny. XDDD

  • Oren at

    And another comment, this time in response to what you're saying and with a rating! I'm so tired. DD:

    xDDD I care 83

    Jigga what? o3o

    weird how that happens sometimes eh? XD

  • Oren at

    I know what you mean about wanting to redo your old pages. D: I've wanted to do that with mine and i've only just started my comic. xD

    This strip is very nice :3 I wasn't expecting the arrow to take much effect due to the previous strip, so it was cool to see that Miyoko's attack hadn't failed miserabley. x3

  • simonitro at


    That arrow was blessed by the moon.. that's why I it put a hurt on him :p!

  • x_eko_x at

    I'm a suckup to characters like him. Do you remember I told you I had a character named Donovan? It's funny because Z reminds me so much of him! XD And Miyoko is like Donovan's girlfriend, Allayna! XDD *sigh* good times, good memories….

    Wah! My stupid cowriter left this picture in locker that I needed for the update. Update will hopefully be tomorrow.

    Look back at your earily chapters. Your art is so much better now. The characters seem more detailed and more believable. It's so great!

    Wow, that was deep. Quick, write it down! I may never have a moment like that again! X3

  • Jashiku at

    Well, mayb not really scary =P
    Ohh, poor Z 0.o
    second third panel look very pretty =3.

  • LowResAtari at

    Ahhhhh I get it now. Nice work o_o

  • magickmaker at

    Oooh, that guy is in trouble now. Unless his shadows blot out the light! But her light will destroy the shadows…

    …unless the light is covered in darkness. This whole thing is giving me a headache…

  • insanelysane at

    another really beautiful page i must say! i really like the last panel. I can see teh arrow of light through his eyes! O_O creepy crawly at the 2nd panel.. haha! what is he going to do?? O.o and issit me or do i see one of those guys in the 1st panel sweatdropping? XD cute!

  • magicalmisfits at

    I didn't comment on the last strip? I read it! Good lord I'm getting senile! Those arrows are delay action. I like that!

  • Luminous at

    Man, am I the only one kind of creeped out that the arrow is showing through his eye socket? I mean, it makes sense, but still. xD

    I like the shading in the last panel. And I don't think the dialogue's too cliche ^^.

  • pv_chan at

    yay he's done for (we hope lol)

  • animegal12 at

    those guys have much to fear about her. ^^

  • EmilyTheStrange at

    The soldiers in the first panel kindareminde me of mideval woodcuts. :3

  • Rubygem at

    ..i don't knoiw what he just said but i think it means you can't kill me

  • Brokenhill at

    oh! the ever so popular
    "oh crap!" moment!

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