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Happy Valentines Day!
Freakeh onThis page isn't late for the holiday *shifty eyes*. Umm, sorry about that. xD; It look much longer to colour than I expected… I had to go over it so many times to get rid of as much white space as possible, I guess you can't even -see- the shading now, huh? But how -was- everybody's Valentines Day? =3 I hope everyone enjoyed it x3
And I don't even like how it came out all that much, after spending so long on it and having -another- late update. xD; I -do- like Miyoko here, however. And I'm so glad I got to colour Z> in something -other- than black (*damns Z. and his dislike of bright colours*) The colour scheme is courtesy of Toshubi, original appearing in this picture. A big thank you to him for letting me use it =3
I know I kept promising Saturday's missing page earlier during the week, but there will definately be three updates in a row for this weekend's updates. (I'm not specifically saying "Friday" just in case it ends up being Monday instead, but I'll do my best and there -will- be three updates. (: )
@Rubygem: I know, it's a miracle! XD
@Oren: Seems like I'm not thinking that -anything- is turning out right lately O: Yay for making you feel almost-sorry x3 I love changing people's perspective of somebody. I can't wait until people realise this isn't your typical good guys v. bad guys story… The ending of the second book shows that especially x3 Yesh I -am- rambling about the second book without being anywhere near to the end of the first! but still!
@magicalmisfits: XD He -does-… complete them… eventually… XD It's just that… talking… is too much of an effort… for somebody so hurt. (:
@Peipei: And now it'll probably be that it's only the pages you -have- read that -are- good, and all the rest are crap and not worth looking at anyway xD Aww thank you I'm glad you think she's pretty x3
@Black Shimmer: It'll probably sound like I'm copying you, but your comment is so… exactly the reaction I meant to create, and so I keep reading that over and over too. x3 Z. does indeed feel saddened by the Donovan's death… If I had only managed to update twice last weekend rather than thrice -this= coming weekend, you would've gotten to see more of his reaction Ox I'm really glad you like the wording, writing for the Donovan just comes so easily x3
Heehee I drew Miyoko so badly that I hoped no-one would notice her, but the comments regarding her don't seem to be bad. xD Did you notice her eyes changing while she was surrounded by the aura? When the aura faded, the whole effect it had on her faded too, so she is a little out-of-it. x3 *Celebrates your love of my characters* Hurray and there hasn't even been anything in-depth yet =D
Oh if you dared to hug him, he definately wouldn't chop off your head/hurt you in any way. XD It's been so long since somebody looked -past- him being a Donovan, and at -him- as an individual, he'd be too touched to. :3 He has an interesting past history… I wanna say more but I don't think I should. XD
Keep it up or what? ;P no, seriously, I'll -try- to xD;
@Glass: if they didn't mean "blood" literally, then that would be a great idea XD
@eko: I guessed you meant the Donovan. XD But scars look so cool!
@pv_chan: Good composition? Storyboarding ability? Hurray I'm finally improving! XD
@Tantz: I'm glad the transformation managed to come across still, as I had to crop some of the bottom of the fourth panel off in order to straighten the lines – it wasn't much, but a few pixels can change the clarity completely. I like the first panel too – it shows more of what Z.'s disposition is like, when he's not forcing himself to be happy for Miyoko.
Hmm… I want to explain briefly about what the Donovan are without giving too much of upcoming storylines away. Basically the Donovan used to be human, but were murdered by Zotia for one circumstance or the other. Zotia doesn't kill his victims and that is that; he steals their soul from them. They can't depart to the afterlife, or reincarnate without it: They are trapped. He uses his ownership of their souls as blackmail, in order for them to do his bidding. They don't agree to evil, nor wish to be so; they still have human minds, and as humans their desperation causes them to do things they regret. Malek (the main Donovan fighting against Z. and Miyoko), actually -did- denounce fighting for Zotia… but as a result, the only way he would ever earn his freedom after such betrayal would be to get Miyoko and Z. out of the way for him. After years of nothingness, Malek just wanted to leave that existence behind… and now he doesn't exist at all.
Emailing a main character and asking a character questions is a totally original idea of mine! ;D Not yours at all! Neva!
@Jashiku: Hee that's okay, I keep doing so too xD;
Yea ):
@magick: Thin faces! They shall be the bane of me. I'll try to make them rounder, or at least wider. It's ironic that my heads originally started as too round and squat and now are too long and thin… I just can't get the shape right XD Are the drawings off in any other way? Or just need to improve at the faces?
@Adariel: Thank you :3
@JillyFoo: I'm glad you think so ^_^ The Donovan are fun to write for.
@EmilyTheStrange: Thank you for thinking so ;-;
@animegal: It's funny you should mention the word spirit… it reminds me of a line to come later in the story, in regards to this very same Donovan. :3 But why are you calling your own jokes lame and then running away? XD It was a good pun.
@simonitro: I wouldn't say that it would be -easier- next time x3 As for upgrades… any physical manifestations they may have is limited to Zotia's warped mindset. They won't grow more powerful until Zotia's mind falls further into chaos. :3
@Luminous: It's not just you x3~ I'm so glad Z.'s sadness for the Donovan was so easy to pick up. Omg I want to hear about your idea >> You can't say you have one but not say it that's mean! XD
@insanelysane: The way I see it, or Z. sees it, causing death of another being can never be a good thing; no matter who or what they are. And I really wanted to convey that. I'm glad that it seems this page has caused the effect I wanted it to x3
@cameron: I once heard, it's easier to get emotionally attached (one way or another) to a character when you know their name. It makes me so happy that so many people have done so anyway, even without knowing his name (Malek). =3
@Jenshin: OMG THAT PICTURE IS SO AWESOME THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH! X3 She looks so focused… like she's praying x3 I showed my sister and she was like, "Wow! Her hair looks like it's -real-!" You are such an amazing artist =D thank you so much for taking the time to do something for -me-, I am not worthy x3 E>~
Yay, you thought about the connotations of their "freedom" x3 this makes me happy
@shaneronzio: X33 Why thank you!
@DRose: Yesh! That is exactly it! =3
@Frail: Thank you for leaving comments on the last… 4 pages! I appreciate it muchly. x3 I hope to be doing more pages giving insight soon… there is just not enough in this comic. There is just so much I want to explain which I have been failing to do so xD;;
@Twin: x3 heehee thank you. And that means a lot. :3
@Dockworker: Me? A good story-teller? Oh, no… Either I spend too much time covering all angles of a story that it never progresses, or I don't do -enough- perspectives.
I don't have character… All the time I spend replying to comments is time when I'm not reading those people's -comics- xD; After people taking the time to read and comment, to acknowledge their effort is the least i can do.
@Nigellashade: They misinterpreted Zotia's orders, in regards to freedom. If they appease Zotia, he will return their souls to them. But Zotia did not want them to harm Z. at all, only prevent him getting in the way… that's the Donovan getting carried away, I'm afraid.
Heehee all good vs evil scenarios are really just human nature fighting against itself. I hope you enjoyed your Valentines Day too ^_^
@kyupol: Thank you x3~
@Collosus: Heehee lol x3
@I Hate Dirt: Your avatars keep on getting scarier and scarier XD
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