
Author notes

Metempsychosis: page 13
Freakeh on~Valentines Day update one page back~
I decided to upload the comic Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Firstly to give people a chance to catch up with updates if need be, but also to try out the delayed updating. So look out for an update on Monday as well! *Prays this page shows up on Saturday rather than as soon as I click "send"*
I apologise for so much white space on this page. It wasn't me being lazy I swear! I just felt it suited the mood most – time is slowing down for Z. in his mind, and a background wouldn't match that.
This chapter is taking a new direction all by itself – a script rewrite is in order! I'm glad though, as it seems to be including a lot of information about other characters that wouldn't be included for a long, long time otherwise. I'm hopeful the story development will take a shape I want it too. Heehee because of it though, I bet a lot of people will get confused between characters… but it'll all become clear in a few pages, so it's a risk I'm willing to take.
Responses! (Currently I'm responding to comments made thus far, on Friday. If more are made on the Valentines page between now and Saturday, I'll edit the author's notes to include replies to those too.)
@eko: Heehee yesh, your manga reminds me of Princess Ai too actually, if you've ever heard of that. ^_^ Just in the way that the main characters are singers at a club! i'm glad you liked my page x3
@Oren: You mean they're actually -recognisable- -as- roses?! XD Yay! I'm glad you thought 'twas cute =3 it will be so fun to get to draw side-by-side.
Apparently, neither am I XD Oh wells I claim innocence!
@Rubygem: Yay the outfits are really fun to design =3 especially Miyoko's dress xD I like her with her hair down O= Z.'s outfit here reminds me of the one he wears in chapter 8, so watch out for that :3
@magicalmisfits: aww thank you x3
@magick: I am shocked! Shocked I say! XD I cannot draw flowers to save my life, so the fact that you commented on them means a lot to me x3
@Dragonzilla: Awww I'm sorry to hear that ): Next year will be different, a lot can change in just a year :3 Thank you~ (about teh pic) :3
@simonitro: Capitalization, making messages sincere and enthusiastic! x3 Thank you for liking the picture so much~ I wasn't sure if it would be -romantic-, as it was hard to create such a mood between characters that aren't together! So yay for being able to convey that anyway ^_^ I hope you had a great Valentines Day~ regardless of what you -did- :3
@Dockworker: Funny you should mention that, as I thought the sky was what I rushed most… XD The page overall took about 12 hours, over two days. It doesn't really look like -that- much time was taken over it ): Just 'cause it's coloured pencil… XD
I'm happy you like the pose :3 I did a few preliminary sketches of the two in different poses, but nothing really suited -them-… at this stage of the story, anyway. I think tension between them suits Z. and Miyoko much more, so that's what I decided to focus on. I'm glad it worked ^_^
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