Saturday Knights

Author notes

Character Bio: Bosien Vargas
Azaeziel onName: Bosien Vargas (Played by Athena)
Race: 1/2 Silver Dragon, 1/2 Elf
Class: Paladin
History: Bosien was born the daughter of a powerful elvish oracle and a celestial silver dragon. She, and her sister Tinmur, were raised in the temple where the oracle lived and gave forth her oracular prophesies. They never knew thier father well, for he spent most of his time in the celestial courts and rarely had time for visiting the worldly realms. But time was one thing the sisters thought they had plenty of. Alas, this was not to be, for around thier 100th birthday, the forces of evil blanketed the land in war and death. The oracle, having seen the coming of her own death and knowing that her daughters would suffer but survive, kept the knowledge of the impending doom from them. As she had foreseen, the forces of evil moved swiftly to destroy the temple and its prophet, and in the fighting Bosien and her sister were separated. Unfortuneately, due to the actions of evil gods, the oracle's vision was imprecise, and Bosien was slain while defending the main gates of the temple. As her spirit began to ascend to the mounting heavens, she swore an oath to the elvish dieties that she would not accept her final resting until those responsible for the war had been put to justice and recieved thier deserved punishments. The gods heard her prayers (helped along by her father's urgings) and returned to her a semblance of life so that she could bring retribution upon those who had destroyed her family and bring peace back to the lands. But that is a tale for another time.
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