Seas Pearl

Author notes

Page 05
Well, I worked an entire week at picking up strawberries. I'm pretty good at it… ^^ And I'm working some week-ends in some hostelry in my village. *dies*
Hmm, yesterday I went shopping, and I bought the Xbox game Thief: Deadly Shadows. Dunno if you know about it, but it's the freakiest game I ever played, seriously. At some time, you're trapped in an old asylum which served to be an orphenage too. And you meet with zombies (who were anciant residents of the asylum) and with a ghost who help you to go out of that asylum. It's freaky. I was so stressed by this game that I could'nt sleep until I finished the "Shalebridge Cradle" mission (the asylum^^""), which it was VERY long, 'cauz I was too affraid to go further in the orphanage.
And you know what? You're stuck in the house because the house REMEMBERS you. Yep, it remembers you. So, to get out of this scary place, you need to go back in the time with some torture cage, and after doing some things the ghost asks you (like to burn her nightdress…), you'll need to jump out of a window in the highest tower of the place. And after that… you're out.
It's been like a year since I've started this game, and now all I need to do it's to find the hideout of the old hag who's chasing Garrett ( The Master Thief that you're controlling in the game) and the end of the game, like saving the world and stuff like that… *sigh*
I'll definitively need to finish that game. My heart is beating fast just to thinking about it, I'm too stressed. *dies again*
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