Short Sighted


Author notes



"Short Sighted" is a comic I am using to simply practice my drawing skills. I am not really serious about it, which is why the format of it will change from crappy to good to decent to nearly shit. The story will always be interesting, but I'm just doing this in my free time to polish my anatomy and such. Practice makes perfect, right? Might as well have some fun while drawing the same crap over and over again.

Be forewarned that all pages will ALL be hand drawn, and the speechbubbles and digital work are done in a bout 5 minutes, tops. Intentionally. I'm not trying to impress anyone, but if I do - win for me, I guess.

The comic will start today and will be updated every single day, starting tomorrow.

Some are strips, some are pages. Sorry about that. I just do whatever makes sense at the time. I don't have any high hopes for this; just drawing practice for me, like I said before.


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