
Author notes

Chapter 1: Characters
ElPuppeteer onYes, I know I haven't updated in over a week, but there's a good reason for this. Ya know how teachers give you this bullshit work to do over the summer, but you don't do it because it's the f#$king summer, then suddenly it's August and you've got three books to read in three weeks. Well I'm mad at the world about that right now! It might be my fault for procrastinating, but did this crap really need to be assigned to me in the first place? I'm gettin a pickaxe and I'm going to burgerking!
Crappy update for eleven days, I know. More importantly however, why didn't I make one of these sooner. I have another excuse here (I have an excuse for everything). I actually hadn't named the characters when I started this comic. Yeah I know it's stupid, but it worked itself out. Anyway I have to finish this stupid bood in an hour before my parents get home, so I'm gonna go get started. Hopefully another update sometime in the reasonable future.
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