First Prev - Uh Oh 2 - Uh Oh - Among the Crowd 4 - Among the Crowd 3 - Among the Crowd 2 - Among the Crowd - Priorities II - Priorities - Spoiled Milk - Boss Battle - Trailer - Don't Blink - Simpsons Did It - Spoilers - Portents - The War to End All Wars - Remembering the Past Pt II - Remembering the Past - Future Warning - Grandma's Ghost - Seagulls - Splish Splash - Spiders - Omnipresent Snakes - Snakes in a Toilet - Brave Sir Tom - Back to School - COVID Clones III - Back to School - COVID Clones II - Back to School - Social Distancing - Back to School - Pandemic Paranoia - Back to School - COVID Clones - The Campaign 31 - Dragon Slayer - The Campaign 30 - Stupid Stomach - The Campaign 29 - Negative 20 - The Campaign 28 - Beneficial Illiteracy - The Campaign 27 - Game Mechanics - The Campaign 26 - Natural 20 - The Campaign 25 - Realization - The Campaign 24 - A Triumphant Return - The Campaign 23 - Tapped Out - The Campaign 22 - Scary Signs - The Campaign 21 - More Warning Signs - The Campaign 20 - Warning Signs - The Campaign 19 - Trust Me - The Campaign 18 - That's Hot - The Campaign 17 - Breaking the Game - The Campaign 16 - Practical Ethics - The Campaign 15 - Choosing Poorly - The Campaign 14 - Realization - The Campaign 13 - Long Live the King - The Campaign 12 - 2 Down 1 To Go - The Campaign 11 - Hazing the New Guy - The Campaign 10 - Party Unity - The Campaign 09 - Fire Good - The Campaign 08 - Wisdom Modifiers - The Campaign 07 - Rule One - The Campaign 06 - I Like Triangles - The Campaign 05 - Bad Luck - The Campaign 04 - Stealth Mode - The Campaign 03 - Gentle Persuasion - The Campaign 02 - Harmless Homicidal Maniacs The Campaign 01 - Three N00bs go on an Adventure - Dad Joke Week 07 - End the Insanity - Dad Joke Week 06 - Domestic Policing - Dad Joke Week 05 - The Tooth Hurts - Dad Joke Week 04 - It's Obvious When You Think About It - Dad Joke Week 03 - Honesty is the Best Policy - Dad Joke Week 02 - In Over Our Heads Dad Joke Week 01 - A Punny Thing Happened Today - Movie Week 07 - The End - Movie Week 06 - I'm Ready For My Closeup - Movie Week 05 - Respect the Monologue - Movie Week 04 - LARP - Movie Week 03 - Movie Magic - Movie Week 02 - Bright and Shiny Movie Week 01 - Signature Style - Gaming Week 07 - Perfect Timing - Gaming Week 06 - The Reason for Respawn - Gaming Week 05 - Cyberspace - Gaming Week 04 - Good Grief - Gaming Week 03 - Someone Always Wants to go Camping Instead - Gaming Week 02 - Cooperative Play Gaming Week 01 - Pointless Quest - Time Travel Week 07 - Chronobiowarfare - Time Travel Week 06 - First You Eat the Apple - Time Travel Week 05 - Fade to Black - Time Travel Week 04 - Little Rock Big Splash - Time Travel Week 03 - He Was Trying to be Good - Time Travel Week 02 - Illuminating Time Travel Week 01 - Nice Ice - Recycling Week 07 - It's a Conspiracy - Recycling Week 06 - My Blanket Will Protect Me - Recycling Week 05 - Hunker in the Bunker - Recycling Week 04 - The (Re)Cycle Continues - Recycling Week 03 - He Doesn't Even Make it 10 Feet - Recycling Week 02 - Playing in Traffic is Dumb! Recycling Week 01 - Blocky Dies Again - Space Week 07 - Mission Budget - Space Week 06 - We Have a Problem - Space Week 05 - Dinosaurs in Space - Space Week 04 - Mars Needs Green Bins - Space Week 03 - Meet the New Bully, Same as the Old Bully - Space Week 02 - Brothers from Another Mother Space Week 01 - Mars or Bust - Space Cadets - Attack Cat! - Bumblebees Revisited - Camping Wisdom - Babysitting - Modern Confinement - Problem Solver - A Field Guide to Cats - Conversations of the ER - Inhibitions - The Easter Bunny Never Leaves Coal - Sumoning Evil - Cyber bullying - Five Seasons - Camping - It's Not Easy Being Round - Meteorology for Dummies - Snowball Amuck! - Suspicions Confirmed - Deja Vu - Robot Uprising - Performance Review - Performance Anxiety - Persistence - When Balls Attack! - Snow-Man! - Perspective - Rabbit Trouble - Homework - Voodoo Ragdoll - Pete takes the stage - Deadlines - Belonging - Indoor soccer - Halloween Special - Maximum Effort - The High School Dating Game - Movie Night - Just Another Chemistry Class - Imagination - Dramatic Reveal - Boredom School: Pride - Good for the environment - Noodles! - No Pete Required - Little brothers Introductions: Pete meets Block Next Last First Prev - Uh Oh 2 - Uh Oh - Among the Crowd 4 - Among the Crowd 3 - Among the Crowd 2 - Among the Crowd - Priorities II - Priorities - Spoiled Milk - Boss Battle - Trailer - Don't Blink - Simpsons Did It - Spoilers - Portents - The War to End All Wars - Remembering the Past Pt II - Remembering the Past - Future Warning - Grandma's Ghost - Seagulls - Splish Splash - Spiders - Omnipresent Snakes - Snakes in a Toilet - Brave Sir Tom - Back to School - COVID Clones III - Back to School - COVID Clones II - Back to School - Social Distancing - Back to School - Pandemic Paranoia - Back to School - COVID Clones - The Campaign 31 - Dragon Slayer - The Campaign 30 - Stupid Stomach - The Campaign 29 - Negative 20 - The Campaign 28 - Beneficial Illiteracy - The Campaign 27 - Game Mechanics - The Campaign 26 - Natural 20 - The Campaign 25 - Realization - The Campaign 24 - A Triumphant Return - The Campaign 23 - Tapped Out - The Campaign 22 - Scary Signs - The Campaign 21 - More Warning Signs - The Campaign 20 - Warning Signs - The Campaign 19 - Trust Me - The Campaign 18 - That's Hot - The Campaign 17 - Breaking the Game - The Campaign 16 - Practical Ethics - The Campaign 15 - Choosing Poorly - The Campaign 14 - Realization - The Campaign 13 - Long Live the King - The Campaign 12 - 2 Down 1 To Go - The Campaign 11 - Hazing the New Guy - The Campaign 10 - Party Unity - The Campaign 09 - Fire Good - The Campaign 08 - Wisdom Modifiers - The Campaign 07 - Rule One - The Campaign 06 - I Like Triangles - The Campaign 05 - Bad Luck - The Campaign 04 - Stealth Mode - The Campaign 03 - Gentle Persuasion - The Campaign 02 - Harmless Homicidal Maniacs The Campaign 01 - Three N00bs go on an Adventure - Dad Joke Week 07 - End the Insanity - Dad Joke Week 06 - Domestic Policing - Dad Joke Week 05 - The Tooth Hurts - Dad Joke Week 04 - It's Obvious When You Think About It - Dad Joke Week 03 - Honesty is the Best Policy - Dad Joke Week 02 - In Over Our Heads Dad Joke Week 01 - A Punny Thing Happened Today - Movie Week 07 - The End - Movie Week 06 - I'm Ready For My Closeup - Movie Week 05 - Respect the Monologue - Movie Week 04 - LARP - Movie Week 03 - Movie Magic - Movie Week 02 - Bright and Shiny Movie Week 01 - Signature Style - Gaming Week 07 - Perfect Timing - Gaming Week 06 - The Reason for Respawn - Gaming Week 05 - Cyberspace - Gaming Week 04 - Good Grief - Gaming Week 03 - Someone Always Wants to go Camping Instead - Gaming Week 02 - Cooperative Play Gaming Week 01 - Pointless Quest - Time Travel Week 07 - Chronobiowarfare - Time Travel Week 06 - First You Eat the Apple - Time Travel Week 05 - Fade to Black - Time Travel Week 04 - Little Rock Big Splash - Time Travel Week 03 - He Was Trying to be Good - Time Travel Week 02 - Illuminating Time Travel Week 01 - Nice Ice - Recycling Week 07 - It's a Conspiracy - Recycling Week 06 - My Blanket Will Protect Me - Recycling Week 05 - Hunker in the Bunker - Recycling Week 04 - The (Re)Cycle Continues - Recycling Week 03 - He Doesn't Even Make it 10 Feet - Recycling Week 02 - Playing in Traffic is Dumb! Recycling Week 01 - Blocky Dies Again - Space Week 07 - Mission Budget - Space Week 06 - We Have a Problem - Space Week 05 - Dinosaurs in Space - Space Week 04 - Mars Needs Green Bins - Space Week 03 - Meet the New Bully, Same as the Old Bully - Space Week 02 - Brothers from Another Mother Space Week 01 - Mars or Bust - Space Cadets - Attack Cat! - Bumblebees Revisited - Camping Wisdom - Babysitting - Modern Confinement - Problem Solver - A Field Guide to Cats - Conversations of the ER - Inhibitions - The Easter Bunny Never Leaves Coal - Sumoning Evil - Cyber bullying - Five Seasons - Camping - It's Not Easy Being Round - Meteorology for Dummies - Snowball Amuck! - Suspicions Confirmed - Deja Vu - Robot Uprising - Performance Review - Performance Anxiety - Persistence - When Balls Attack! - Snow-Man! - Perspective - Rabbit Trouble - Homework - Voodoo Ragdoll - Pete takes the stage - Deadlines - Belonging - Indoor soccer - Halloween Special - Maximum Effort - The High School Dating Game - Movie Night - Just Another Chemistry Class - Imagination - Dramatic Reveal - Boredom School: Pride - Good for the environment - Noodles! - No Pete Required - Little brothers Introductions: Pete meets Block Next Last Author notes Splish Splash SillyCircle on Sept. 18, 2020 I cannot condone Pete's tomfoolery. 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