Slaughter at Camp Notamoovi

Author notes



Sooz is not afraid to punch below the waist when it comes to troll around. Nothing is off limits to her. Meanwhile, Sunny seems to draw a line between what she did on her past and her new self, at least when she's not throwing herself into Andrei, I guess…

Anyway, sorry for the late update, I was in a pickle with commissions AND the button soccer state championship. The first round was this saturday, and somehow I made it to the top tier finals, meaning I'm at the top 16 on my category. Holy. Shiiiiet. I'm pretty happy about this, I must say. The finals are on Sep. 1st, I hope i don't embarrass myself then, lol.

Changing the subject a bit, if you want to support this comic, I just started a patreon. The best part is that it ain't even expensive, with the highest tier being only $3/month, and the lowest being $1/month. Click on the patreon button or the link below to know more. Also, we're on Top Web Comics. If you have the time and think we're worth the effort, vote for Notamoovi.

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